A young person graduates high school and must make a decision between obtaining certificates and entering the workforce or frequenting a college. Specialists are easier to train and don't often required a lengthy college education which can be an advantage for those not willing to take on debt. However, it can also leave a person less likely to be promoted in the future.
Adaptability of Skills
Generalists are more adaptive than specialists and offer
opportunities for greater levels flexibility in a changing market. The broad based skills are more transferable
and portable across both industries and companies. Specialists are focused on a
particular function and may not always be able to easily apply those skills to
other companies thereby limiting their opportunities.
Specializing and Wages
Specialists typically earn more money in the beginning of
their careers when compared to generalists. As a specialist in demand oriented
markets like technical support the specialist can make a lot of money with
certificates and training. As the skill sets become broader the more time it makes to earn higher wages.
Management and Generalist Skills
At the management level the generalist skill takes precedence in promotion. Generalists have a wide range of experiences and skills that help them manage other people. A specialist will be more limited in their perspectives and knowledge. For those seeking to eventually move into management and executive positions the generalist approach is a better long-term avenue.
At the management level the generalist skill takes precedence in promotion. Generalists have a wide range of experiences and skills that help them manage other people. A specialist will be more limited in their perspectives and knowledge. For those seeking to eventually move into management and executive positions the generalist approach is a better long-term avenue.