Showing posts with label ethical leadership. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ethical leadership. Show all posts

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Personal Definition of Leadership

The transformational leader who is passionate about distance learning has an opportunity to be a part of a societal change process.  America and the global community are going through a paradigm shift in regards to public perception of distance learning.  Alone, one person cannot initiate and coordinate a national or global societal change, but individually, a transformational leader can establish a vision, create a passion, and develop a leadership plan.  As I reflect on my own personal leadership plan in the field of distance education, a three-step approach was taken.  Self-reflection, honest feedback, and continual learning were the components that I used in designing my personal leadership plan.

Bennis, leadership author and guru, defined leadership as “the capacity to create a compelling vision and translate it into action and sustain it” (2003, p. 1).  Leadership can be learned.  If one has the desire to be a leader, one can be.  "Like John Kotter, Prof Bennis believes leadership is not necessarily an inborn skill and can be taught ... through personal coaching rather than group training" (Bennis, 2003, p. 1).  Throughout history leaders come to mind that were not born leaders, but learned it through their education, tenacity, and personal effort.  "Abraham Lincoln, Harry S. Truman, Sam Walton of Wal-Mart, and Gen. Ulysses S. Grant" were not born into leadership, but had undying purpose and vision to achieve their goals (Mohr, 2000, p. 76).

With everything, there is a beginning; the vision, passion, and plan must begin somewhere. Blanchard (1999) asserted, “If you don’t take time out to think, strategize, and prioritize, you will work a whole lot harder, without enjoying the benefits of a job smartly done” (p. 25). Considering Blanchard’s words, anyone who desires to be a leader should outline a plan to outline a plan with specific goals.  All one needs is the desire to be a leader.  In fact, no less an authority than Peter Drucker (2001) has placed personal energy at the very forefront of leadership qualities: "Your first and foremost job as a leader is to raise your own energy level and then to help raise and orchestrate the energies of those around you” (Cooper, 2001, para. 1).

Personal Leadership Philosophy

Leaders know themselves; they know what they can do well” (Bennis & Goldsmith, 2003, p. 81).  The transformational leader who has completed self-reflection and assessed one’s strengths and weaknesses should next ask people for constructive feedback.  Do not shy away from the good and bad feedback that you might receive.  Avoiding the pain of receiving negative feedback does nothing for your growth.  Be willing to look at your weakness with the potential to create behavioral changes.  Nothing feels better than taking a misstep and turning this into a success. 

Organizations are often hiring leadership coaches.  Typically an organizational leadership coach may work with newly promoted managers to help them be successful.  If one is not available within your organization, seek a professional leadership coach.  "With the help of leadership coaches, leaders gain perspective on the familiar while encountering alternative ways to view self and one's role as a leader" (MacPherson, 2009, p. 46).

Honest Feedback

In terms of being an effective leader, one must seek out honest feedback.  Seek a mentor.  Kelling, Barling, and Helleur (2000) conducted extensive research on the effect of training and constructive feedback on leaders.  "Results suggest that both training and feedback are effective means of changing leadership behaviors" (Kelling, Barling, & Helleur, 2000, p. 145).  After reviewing several leadership coaching websites, the need for feedback to the leader was stressed.  "Eight ways to get honest feedback", "Five proven tips to get honest feedback", and "Honest success" are examples of just a few of these websites.  Bozeman and Feeney (2007) defined mentoring as...

...a process for the informal transmission of knowledge, social capital, and the psychosocial support perceived by the recipient as relevant to work, career, or professional development; mentoring entails informal communication, usually face-to-face and during a sustained period of time, between a person who is perceived to have greater relevant knowledge, wisdom, or experience (the mentor) and a person who is perceived to have less (the protègè). (p. 719)

Continual Learning

Think outside the box, challenge all assumptions, and continually seek new information.  Reading new literature will not be enough, consider innovative changes that may be outside the norm of the organization.  Daniel Pink has looked into the future and considered what it will take to make change happen.  In his book, A Whole New Mind, Pink (2006) addressed six thought processes to generate innovative thinking.  Pink(2006) incorporated both the left and right brain by mastering the six human abilities of design, story, symphony, empathy, play, and meaning.  Using these natural abilities can get you continually learning, planning, and changing.

Fundamental to my personal leadership philosophy are self-reflection, asking people whom one works with for constructive feedback, and continually seeking new information (Bennis & Goldsmith, 2003, pp. 81-82).  Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “No one can make you feel inferior without your permission” (Blanchard, 1999, p. 12).  Struggling with low self-esteem or constant negativity can hinder effective leadership.  Reevaluating the white water that exists in our world, challenge the false assumptions will enable you to overcome any self-doubt.  Norman Vincent Peale believed that one can look at each day in two different ways.  One’s day is either going to be good or bad, so why not look to the good there is in life and seek the positive (Blanchard, 1999).  As a leader, the most important earthly relationship you can cultivate is your relationship with yourself” (Blanchard, 1999, p. 152).


Rudy Giuliani, former mayor of New York City during the tragedy of September 11, 2001, proposed there were three critical stages of leadership.  First, you must develop beliefs. Next, you have to communicate them. Finally, you must take action” (Giuliani, p. 80).  A plan will enable you to begin the journey to become a leader.  Having a guide to mentor you along the way is crucial to your success.  Leadership is not something you do to people. It’s something you do with people” (Blanchard, 1999, p. 140).

Author: Andree C. Swanson, EdD

Bennis, W. (2003, Aug 14). A leader on leadership: GURU GUIDE WARREN BENNIS: The prolific writer argues that trust and openness are key to success, says Morgen Witzel: Financial Times
 Retrieved from

Bennis, W., & Goldsmith, J. (2003). Learning to lead: A workbook on becoming a leader. Cambridge, MA: Basic Books.

Blanchard, K. (1999). The heart of a leader. Tulsa, OK: Honor Books.

Bozeman, B., & Feeney, M. K. (2007). Toward a useful theory of mentoring: A conceptual analysis and critique. Administrative and Society, 39(6),719 - 739.

Cooper, R. K (2001). Excelling under pressure: Increasing your energy for leadership and innovation in a world of stress, change and unprecedented opportunities. Strategy & Leadership, 29(4), 15-20. 
Retrieved from

Giuliani, R. (2002). Leadership. New York, NY: Hyperion.

Kelling, K., Barling, J., & Helleur, J. (2000). Enhancing transformational leadership: The role of training and feedback. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 21(3), 145-149. Retrieved from

MacPherson, M. (2009). Self-reflection: A primer for leadership coaches. T + D, 63(12), 46-49,6. Retrieved from

Mohr, B. (2000). Leadership - Genetic or learned? PM,76-78. Retrieved from

Pink, D. (2006). A whole new mind. New York, NY: Riverhead Publishing.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Ethics and Moral Courage in Leadership Positions

Organizations seek to develop stronger levels of ethical business practices in order to limit negative employee behaviors that can damage public image, lessen investor confidence, and improve upon contractual relationships with stakeholders. The first step in developing an ethical organization is to hire an ethical leader. Through proper leadership modeling in moral courage and ethical behaviors employees develop standards that apply to their own behaviors. 

Developing ethical organizations, and meeting the needs of people, requires strength of character (Hunter, 2003). It is difficult for leaders to deal with the multiple issues that often face them from competing interests. When leaders use an ethical value system they have an anchored value point that allows them to judge the validity of these competing interests. 

Strong leaders should have an impetus to act with moral purpose.  Such conation requires moral courage, moral efficacy and psychological ownership over one’s behavior (Hannah, Avolio, & May, 2011). Positive behaviors require an ownership over one’s life and responsibilities toward others. Such concepts need to be embedded in the way leaders view themselves and their purpose in leading.

Moral courage is “the ability to use inner principles to do what is good for others, regardless of threat to self, as a matter of practice” (Sekerka and Bagozzi, 2007, pp. 135).  It is a willingness to do what is in the best interest of others and the group even if one were to lose something of value. It can be further understood as, “a commitment to moral principles, an awareness of the danger involved in supporting those principles, and a willing endurance of that danger” (Kidder, 2005, pp. 7). 

Ethics and moral courage are associated but not exactly the same concept. Ethics is a minimal standard of behavior that avoids engaging in immoral actions (Treviño et al., 2006). It is more defined by compliance with the law, telling basic truths, and conducting business within standard societal constraints. It is a much lower level of investment in one’s decisions than moral courage. 

Ethical behavior also has a pro-social component. Moral courage is associated with the desire to use inner standards that encourage actions that help others (Sekerka & Bagozzi, 2007). It is this wider understanding of the needs of the group that creates a higher standards of existence. Through this moral courage one acts with effort to help others live happy and free lives based upon underlining principles of inherent value. 

Leadership has a huge impact on the moral and ethical actions of their organizations. Leaders impose significant influence on followers’ thoughts and behaviors related to ethical and moral expectations (Lester et. Al., 2010). It is through watching leaders that employees come to understand appropriate actions. 

Ethical and moral leadership is not easy when competing interests are pushing for certain results. However, such leadership can improve upon the overall financial and public image of the organization overtime. Furthermore, it creates workplace expectations and guiding behaviors that impact the  habits employees use to solve their own issues. Such ethical approaches require the focus on others beyond their own needs and the courage to follow through on guiding principles to make it happen despite the competing interests.

Hannah, S. T., Avolio, B. J., & May, D. R. 2011. Moral maturation and moral conation: A
capacity approach to explaining moral thought and action. Academy of Management
Review, 36.

Hunter, J. D. 2003. The death of character. New York: Basic Books.

Lester, P., Vogelgesang, G., Hannah, S., & Kimmey, T. (2010). Developing courage in followers: Theoretical and applied perspectives. In C. Pury & S. Lopez (Eds.), The psychology of courage: Modern research on an ancient virtue: 210-45. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Sekerka, L. E., & Bagozzi, R. P. 2007. Moral courage in the workplace: Moving to and
from the desire and decision to act. Business Ethics: A European Review, 16,
pp. 132.

Treviño, L. K., Weaver, G. R., & Reynolds, S. J. 2006. Behavioral ethics in organizations:
A review. Journal of Management, 32, pp. 951-90.