Showing posts with label discount shopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label discount shopping. Show all posts

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Finding Great San Diego Restaurants with Coupon Sites

Frugality with money is part art-form and part research. San Diego hosts a substantial amount of outdoor activities, dining, boating events, concerts and more. The problem is that all of this costs money. If you don’t have a fat wallet and have more time than money you may want to check out some discount sites before making a dining reservation. Stretching your dollars can help you in the other areas of your life and a few moments of time are a wise choice. 

Companies offer coupons and discounts to attract new customers. They hope that once the customers make their way into the restaurant for the first time they can be retained for future visits in addition to future revenue. A discount offer raises the incentives of purchasing a product and can be attractive to those who are considering a wide range of alternatives. 

One advantage is that dining discounts directly appeal to those who like to go out and eat on a regular basis. It is a core demographic group that sees discounts as most appealing. The mentality is, “Well I’m going to go eat anyway so why not try this restaurant for 30% off?”  The discount becomes factored into their overall decision-making framework and this result in an affirmative choice. 

The disadvantage of discount sites is that they often appeal to either the savvy deal shopper or the hard core food connoisseur.  Discount shoppers will seek only specials and deals before purchasing while food connoisseurs are unlikely to frequent the same restaurant many times unless it is a convenient choice when other options fail. Discounts in online sites are just one option in building a comprehensive marketing campaign.

Deal Catcher: The site offers discounts on various products, restaurants, events and activities. It hosts lots of great fitness classes that include boxing, biking, yoga, etc… for serious discounts.

San Diego Restaurants: The site offers discounts and coupons for various restaurants within the area. Most of the coupons can be printed and brought into the establishment. You may receive discounts on food, drinks, appetizers and more.

The Goods: The goods offer discounts on dining and a few other items. There isn’t a lot of different stuff on the site but it is worth looking at a few of the coupons. You can text or print the coupon.  

San Diego Org: One of the best sites for finding activities and events in the San Diego area. The offers and coupons apply to food, lodging, whale watching and many other events. This is a good site to save for the weekends.

Restaurant: The site is by far one of the best selections in finding food and drink offerings in the area. You can purchase discount coupons that save you more than the cost. For example, $10 might get you $25 off with a purchase of $37 or more.

Slick Deals: You can find almost anything on this site of which restaurants are one. This is a strong website to search out anytime you need a product or service. It will require you to purchase the item from the website.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Tips for Saving Time and Money During the Holiday Shopping Blitz

Holidays are a great time to shop and enjoy local events. All of the latest brands, newest technology, and deals seem to converge during the holidays. Despite the great joy of holiday shopping there also comes with it considerable stress. With Thanksgiving behind us and Christmas season jumping forward we have only a few precious weeks to get our affairs in order. You may want to consider a few tips before getting started. 

-Make a List and Check it Twice: Think through the things you want to buy. Having a list will help ensure you are not distracted by all the extra stuff. The list should contain the most expensive items you desire to purchase. You likely don’t want to list little Johnny’s socks. 

-Create a Budget: It is best to look at how much you are willing to spend before the holiday season. Separate this budget into the big ticket item pool and the loose leaf pool for the small items you will inevitably buy but don’t have any specific plans for. 

-Search Online for the Best Deals: Sometimes you can find the best deals and purchase your items online without ever needing to go to the store. If the prices are better than what you can find in the store without any hassle go ahead and buy them. 

 -Know the Stores and the Products: When purchasing expensive products it is beneficial to search online and find the stores that carry these products and the price they charge. You may be shocked to see that the prices vary widely. 

-Create Your Schedule and Plans: One you know the stores and the items they contain it can be beneficial to pick days you are going to each store. Schedule plenty of time for browsing, sitting around for coffee, eating lunch and enjoying your time. This is a stress savor. Spread your shopping over the few weeks. 

-Wrap your Gifts When You Buy Them: After bringing home the gifts it is beneficial to wrap those up quickly so sneaky little eyes don’t have a chance to browse. People will keep walking by the tree every time something is added. You might find a little joy when family members try and guess what is new. It also provides a pleasant atmosphere for visitors.

-Save Money throughout the Year: If you don’t want to max out your credit cards it is beneficial to create an account and put your money away throughout the year. Interest bearing accounts will give you a little extra money but don’t expect much. Shopping is less stressful when the money is already available.