Showing posts with label business decor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label business decor. Show all posts

Friday, January 31, 2014

The Business and Health Benefits of Hanging Pictures of Flowers

Art PrintsFlowers and nature help us to connect to our lives before the advent of modernity. It helps us think about a simpler time and nostalgic world. Not that this time was better or worse than it is today but that it was a period when life was simple. People enjoyed the aesthetic beauty of watching wildlife and artistic paint laden within flowers. 

When flowers and wildlife pictures are placed within the workplace it can reduce stress and increase productivity. Stress is one of the most profound killers within the country and a few more flowers, trees, and landscape pictures are unlikely to do you any damage. We may have lost the art of appreciating nature for nature’s sake. 

Photography PrintsSome people place pictures of nature’s artistry around their workplace. Some put them within waiting rooms to reduce customer anxiety, others put them in their office to maintain focus, while still others like to give a more open view of tight space. Using pictures of nature can increase the overall image and impression of your business. 

Image is part impression. Customers scan your office to determine both the nature of the person who is sitting in it as well as the business itself. Having pictures of flowers and wildlife helps prompt this person to understand that you think beyond your office. You appreciate something more than work and money. It can provide a positive impression of both you and your business as having depth and trustworthiness.

Art Prints