Showing posts with label artificial trees. Show all posts
Showing posts with label artificial trees. Show all posts

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Buy that Discount Christmas Tree Soon!

If you are stuck without a Christmas tree at the last minute, you have a few options left that will save you money. Perhaps you were a little lazy or simply waited for your next pay check.  First, you must decide if you want a real or artificial tree.  If you do not want the hassle of vacuuming constantly and finding some place to dispose of your tree when the holidays are over, you may want to opt for an artificial one.

Searching online you could look online you may find Kmart’s 6 foot tree for $15 (no lights) or Wal-Mart 9 foot for $30 (with lights). Unfortunately, most of these deals are no longer available as they were pre-Cyber Monday offers. Home Depot still has some great trees for around $100+ with or without lights. A few are snow-covered designs.

The price usually matches the quality.  The cheaper the tree the more likely it is going to look sparse. Some of the stores have sales that are 40% off as most of their customers have already bought their tree for the season. In this particular case, I obtained the floor display tree for $80 that was originally priced at $160 without lights. This one came with the lights. The garland was under $3 at Wal-Mart and I only needed two packs.  The total price of a decorated tree with garland was under $100 (including tax).

One of the reasons why you may find the best deals on trees now is that large companies often gear their major product pushes during heavy purchasing behavior. They keep statistics on consumer behavior. As the majority of customers buy their trees around Thanksgiving one often finds the best deals a week or so after when companies can no longer maximize their profits. The same savings can occur in off season clothing, last year model products, and overstock.

Happy Hunting!