Life is full of trials and
tribulations but how we view life makes all of the difference. People look for
the magic bullet and the fountain of youth by spending thousands of dollars on
clothing, cars, cosmetics, pills, and surgery. The ultimate guide to happiness
is in the way you view the world. Laughter is one of the best medicines to
keeping yourself positive, happy, and productive.
Laughter has been noted in a
number of studies of having benefits for physical health, psychological health,
and social graces. It improves upon a number of areas of your life while
costing you nothing but a change in your attitude and a new appreciate of life.
If you are a grumpy business
manager then laughter will likely be a good prescription for you.
Imagine for a moment that you are
so focused on your career that you take little enjoyment from other activities
in your life. Because you are so serious you are unable to find the comical side
of life. Eventually your serious nature will impact not only your health but
also your business prospects.
Encouraging more laughter is all
mental that creates a habit. It is often the way we think about issues and how
we find the silly side of life. If we are optimistic, feeling good, and
thinking about the positive side of issues we are much more likely to enjoy
laughter than if our thinking is negative.
Some of the beneficial ways to
improve laughter beyond patterns of thinking is to watch funny shows, engage in
a more spontaneous life, and try and find the positive side of each situation.
If you have ever watched Family Guy or The Office chances are you are already
to find some of the funny stuff going on.
Having a non-serious side can
also be a great benefit for getting along with others. Being positive and
laughing about most issues that might torque will help put people at ease
around you. It shows a level of confidence that wouldn’t have been expressed
Laughter is one of those things
we can do for free and costs us nothing but a change in mood. Laughter is a
learned skill much like thinking positively is a learned skill. Once we change
how we view each situation and decide to enjoy the funny side of life things
will seem just a little more jolly. Take a few minutes to laugh at yourself
switch from CNN to the Comedy Channel for self-maintenance.