Saturday, December 14, 2024

When it's Time to Accept Your Place in Society (The Dehumanization Thought Experiment)

 For a few years I have been discussing the concept of a default in justice and then dehumanization. They are stages in a thought experiment to explore the idea of hate, corruption, and extremism in society and its impact on the victims. In this thought experiment there is a place where we must accept that hate isn't going away, justice is not going to function as intended and the dehumanization process is coming to full fruitition. 

One could look upon awe at the acceptance of such poor behaviors and their normalization in our normal processes. In the example, the justice system defaulted to ensure people close to them obtained certain goals, people spread rumors to harm the victims, mutliple people engaged in aggressions, and the victims were left victimized with no recourses because of deep seated hate (racial, religious, political, etc.) 

There comes a point where you simply accept. Accept that there are people who will warp systems and that such systems have no backstop where people have agendas or judge others through the lens of hate (2nd class citiens, less than human, and worthy of injustice). We also might be concerned about the many other people who were treated the same and their lack of access to justice. Worse, is perhaps retaliation for believing in justice. These are concerns that are unlikely to be addressed in our lifetimes. 

The end result is likely to be a positive one; or least we can hope. People have hoped for generations so that isn't really the solution but it is something (even if delusional in orientation). The solutions are more change oriented with commitments and corrections. We owe it to the victims and we owe it to the system that should be strengthened versus undermined from the inside. The end result is perhaps a silver lining that this is the way things truly are and this is what people can expect if justice fails to reach for its highest forms.

As we explore this topic you may read the concept of Dehumanization

*This is a thought experiment for learning purposes. Take with a grain of salt. 

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