Thursday, October 3, 2024

The Hypothetical Story that Models Hate, Corruption and Extremism (Concluding)

If you have been reading the blog for a while you will know that we have been discussing a hypothetical example of hate, corruption and extremism that helps us learn about how these behaviors might function in our society from a minority's viewpoint. This thought experiment is helping to create a new model of these behaviors so we can improve the development of our economy and communities. While we are starting the process of discussing conclusions what we learned from this theoretical explorative interactives is to keep in mind that nothing is truly conclusive. We do sort of get to see a birds eye view the possibilities and how they may influence our environment.

It is a mixed bag with the majority of people doing the right thing within example institutions and some people misusing their roles within institutions for personal, social, financial and ideological gain. We are human beings and as human beings we are subject to many different social, financial, and psychological influences that skew our decision making process and warp our value systems. Most want what is best for everyone and seem to understand intuitively the need for positive social exchanges (peace lovers) and those who want division (segregationists).  We also find those who higher levels of commitment to our ideals (loyal truth tellers) and we have those who miscue our values for influence (disloyal manipulators)

Consider the positives and negatives......

Positives:  Most people in our society, communities, and institutions seek to do the right thing. They can be easily swayed by bias and rumors but ultimately have a desire to uphold their personal and national values. They are not inherently limited by bigotry and have empathy over each people. Good citizens, good administrators, and good souls who believe in the sacrifices of history even if they were not directly aware or experienced them. They will correct when they know wrong doing has been done and in turn want the best positive outcomes for the most amount of people. If you work hard with the right people you can succeed. Patriotism is by merit and ones character even if there is some unintentional bias at times. They can see themselves in the mirror and change when needed.  Most would agree that society's needs are first before their own.

Negatives: There are people who do not care about their fellow citizens and when placed in roles of authority will soon violate those roles for personal preference, ideological, racial, religious, and social beliefs. The importance of the sanctity of their position seems not to factor into their decisions making other than how it influences their agendas. There are few to no backstops even when behaviors are clearly immoral or illegal. A level of disrespect toward our American values and the sacrifices that people of present and past have made on their behalf. Being capable and high performing doesn't guarantee opportunities even if earned where such biased inviduals are put in charge of societal or organizational affairs.  Patriotism is clearly defined by race, religion, and ideology and much less on merit or actual behaviors. They can't see themselves in the mirror and won't change due to lack of awareness. Most would put themselves first and the social, ideological, political (any identity) groups that helps them achieve their goals.

The issue is not that there are good or bad people in the world, patriotic and unpatriotic people, or people who do or do not take their oaths seriously. The issue is that there are few backstops when these things occur and perpetrators are sometimes rewarded and encouraged depending on who is the perpetrator/victim and who is judging the behavior. Hate, corruption, and extremism is a disease in our society (any society) and could grow without commitment to our shared values. The end result of those who damage our human capital and create segregationist outcomes is as of yet fully unknown. Current behaviors indicate we will likely continue to grow but poor values of some impact our communities health now and for the near future. Finding ways to curb their detracting/divisionary behaviors may lead to faster national growth as more people engage.

There is no end conclusion as of yet but I would say mostly good and that likely will lead to a helpful and positive future for all of us (universal democracy). There are risk factors involved by those who do not share those commitments and that may mean some bumpy risks into the future (backsliding democracy). My opinion is that we should judge people on merit and not on factors that do not fall into alignment with what makes us who we are and who we ideally strive to be (i.e. American social contracts and universal values.). Our success or failure is based on your choices (our collective choices) each and everyday so it is imperitive we make choices that resonate with ourselves and the next generation's needs to ensure that bright future. It is a duty to be a better person. Don't fail in your journey of self development because its not just about you! (If you can see that then you already started your journey. Good luck. A door opens for you!. The Road Less Traveled.)

*This is a hypothetical example for learning purposes. It is a thought experiment on freedom of speech, freedom of religion, Constitution, and human/civil rights.  Take with a grain of salt.

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