Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Reading and Studying Like a PhD Student: When to Use Speed Reading?

Reading is part of graduate school and one should expect to do a lot of it. Also, part of graduate school is pooling lots of information and truncating that down into something that can be clearly and concisely articulated in a sentence or two. Thus, writing well is another component of successful education. Over the years some graduate students have learned to speed read and understand whole volumes of work in a few short hours. You lose a little of the deeper flavor but you can process the essential points fairly fast. Reading for content and context requires much more focus. 

Understanding the breadth of information on speed read level can work if one is still able to zoom in on specific pieces of information that help solve the problem at hand. The advent of research libraries and search engines that didn't exist when many of us went to graduate school makes the need to learn how to process information more quickly and efficiently through learned filters. Executives must make decisions based on an overabundance of data. Speed Reading

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