Monday, September 16, 2024

Who are the People Who Stand Against Hate? The Psychology of Community Values (Post Awareness)

Hate is a disease that infects social relationships and has the power to warp decision making and ethical perspectives. Moral conscious can be seen as something unwanted when dealing with those who are seen as "out group" members. It doesn't take long to find hate; turn on the news or listen to your run of the mill "know it all" on the street corner (Amazingly, people do listen to the ramblings of others when making their own decisions without critically examining the information first.). You can sense hate mixed with aggression just by the communication patterns (tone, pitch, etc.), word choices, latent cognitive functions (indicating self and shadow), environmental context, body language, etc.that define the full message. It comes from a desperate place and rewarding and feeding that desparation leads to more hate addiction in the future for the temporary respite it offers.

Hate is one of those dark arts rooted deeply in our human psychology because it shields us from the truth of ourselves. Hate is a byproduct of a dysfunctioned and underdeveloped mind (You can take a level of pity on bigots for they don't know what they don't know.). Why do some people stand up for something important and why some people don't has been a perplexing question since man became aware of his/her social existence (I, Me, We arguments and perspectives of choice.). It is like saying who has a healthy pro-social mind seeking to create connectivity and who has a suffering mind trying to sow division (You got to see past the social rituals and gestures to understand that. We all met toxic people who first gave good impressions that gave way to poorer behaviors.)?

One thing is that I have the greatest amount of respect for those who walk the talk on their values versus those who trip over their tongues (Its not the eloquence of what is being said that is of most concern. It is the actions that often count more.). Community members believe in the purpose of togetherness and they believe in being inclusive in society (Character is more defining than race or religion). A few do not but they didn't let those who hate define them. In many ways they adapted and overcame the bandits of bigotries, warriors of words, and culprits of cultures of corruption (Hate often spills over to other poor behaviors like extreism and corruption based on that deep seated despiration mentioned above.).

Such good stewards of a community are the ones who keep it growing, developing, and creating a higher level of societal development (Notice the root motivation comes from a good versus dark place). Often it is easier, more lucrative, sociably acceptable, and rewarded when hate defines how we treat each other. We all suffer. Good people have higher moral value sets. They use those values as guides to their lives and that comes out in their goal directed behaviors that enhance the whole for everyone. (Economics is the study of choice and choice can be the study of economics. Togetherness creates one path of developoment and division creates another. I opt for together.). Ethics and Prosocial Whistleblowers

The ending of this story hasn't been written yet but it is one of those major moral conscious questions on why some people stand up against hate and others sort of default. Much could likely be defined by inner worm at the core values that define a man/woman's soul (Those who persecuted others cannot define accurate the soul of those they dehumanized.). Our collective choices come to define us as an indivisible people. Thus encouraging good values and a sense of togetherness in communities (often defined subsconsiously by overcoming community challenges) furthers the collective health of the whole against the misdeeds of a few. Its not what bad people have done but what we do after which truly defines us. Turn the page.......

"One citizen differs from another, but the salvation of the community is the common business of them all. This community is the constitution; the virtue of the citizen must therefore be relative to the constitution of which he is a member." Aristotle

What Stops Us from Standing Up for What's Right?

What is Community Engagement?

Community as Strategic Value

*This article is a thought experiment on freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the Constitution and human/civil rights. Take with a grain of salt. 

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