Saturday, September 21, 2024

Whistleblowing Benefits and the Risks of Backsliding on National Values (Post Awareness)

Whistleblowers created serious benefits for society but more often then not they are left to their own devices when dealing with the aftermath of protecteing society. Standing against things like hate, corruption, misuse of resources, extremism can be dangerous because of existing poor values of some leaders in our society. Good people are often drowned out by bad actors and there are not enough checks and balances for those with the patriotism needed to report crimes.. While in the end there often is a general correction by society the ability to get away with crime after crime is common where poor managers are present (We can't call them leaders because they are net detractors from society.)

You may want to read Whistle Blowing Benefit

Hypothetical Example:

Let us use a hypothetical example for learning purposes. Religious minority with mixed race kids became a target of serious attempts at violence and human rights violations. Someone spread a rumor to enrich themselves and exploit the sick and dying for financial and social gain (There are people who believe that this could never happen.) The perpetrators were connected to a number of corrupted officials who appeared to include a number of violent extremists. Community members were aware other behaviors by this group may have caused serious fear, rape, misapplication of justice, and even suicide by vulnerable women and minorities. Further, the behaviors were known for a long time but other officials were afraid to stand up for what was right (Let us always honor those who do the right thing and protect their communities.). A few semi related arrests were conducted based on overwhelming evidence that the local system simply couldn't ignore no matter how much they tried. The community stood up to hate and corruption by bringing forward evidence on record knowing that without documentation no one is going to stand for the law, the Constitution and basic human descency. Certain crimes stopped but some of the intitial perpetrators were financially and socially rewarded for their crimes. Corruption was further normalized and will likely be repleated as a protected pattern.

Certainly these are not the type of systems we want to foster but all too often things are more about power over dynamics and extremist political leanings then they are about following our national laws. Whistleblowers help our society improve and sometimes officials have reason to violently suppress them while rewarding criminal behavior of in-group clan members/good old boy networks. You can't fix it because those who are entrusted with resources to fix it feel that some people are half citizens with few to no rights based on religious, racial and political bigotries. They do not feel much oblication to their communities but are strictly loyal to their self serving beliefs and ideologies.

What is most concerning about the thought experiment example is not that these things happen, not that there isn't sometimes corruption, but that once we are aware there are no backstops. The long term implications are that democracy is declining in full view of those who were supposed to be protecting the public. Good people are being sidelined and people without values are rewarding thereby normalizing and encourating that decline. Patriotism isn't about protecting corruption and perpetrators it is about building a better nation and community. In many cases we need new leadership that has a greater commitment to our nation, our social contracts and good moral conscious. They are frightened of the possibility that they can't exploit others because they can't compete on their skills or values.

A tip: Whistleblowing is not easy and people's values are often so low you are not going to get much help from those who were supposed to be doing the right thing. However, you do it for society and should not concern yourself with the opinions of those who do not have the values or skills to be in their positions. The only concern you should have is to continuously stand up to them until the rest of the system has enough commitment to its country and people to do what they were suppose to do. The best and brightest whistleblow and the best and brightest in positions of authority correct misdeeds for society. The worst of us protect criminals and reward poor behaviors for their friends, politics, and pockets. 

*This is a hypothetical example for learning purposes. It is a type of thought experiment on freedom of speech, religion, the Constitution, and deeper patriotism to our most basic values. Take with a grain of salt. 

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