Sunday, September 22, 2024

When 2nd Class Citizens Stand Up to Hate, Corruption and Extremism

Life isn't fair and let me say that rights and civil treatment can be sweapt away by those who were supposed to be protecting all of us. While some of us believe that second class citizens are defined by race and religion that is the narrative created by those who long ago sold out our national values. Our nation is based on principles of freedom of religion, freedom of speech, the Constitution, and human/civil rights. These principles are as or more important than physical location. They are what defines our soul and those who believe in and support these underlining principles are 1st class citizens that should be encouraged and supported in our society. 

There are those who do not respect others who hold higher values because they are entitled to their discrimination. To me first class citizens are people who have loyalty to their national principles above other considerstions such as financial, social, racial, religious and political influences. We are a free people and those who sacrafice for that freedom by doing the right thing and being critical in their thinking are patriots (by a more true definition). That sacrafice could be reporting crimes, telling a group of bullies "no", challenging corruption, and discourating extremism. It may also include serving the people by using logic and making strategic decisions without worrying about personal advantage.

When the 2nd class citizens become 1st class citizens based on a more honest metric then we know we have moved into the next stage as a universal democracy. No matter your position in this nation, rich or poor, no matter your race or religion you should be judged on your character and contributions and not on superficial differences. Be positive, be polite but be powerful. Always say the truth and hope for a brighter day tomorrow. I think it will come and the seeds to positive change were sown many generations ago and our societal caretakers have nurtured and strengthened the roots of demoracy. Each generation gets stronger and better. Our job is to remove as many road blocks as we can for them so we can compete as a nation to uphold our essential principles.

You may want to read When Corruption Meets Discrimination.

* Hypothetical learning example as a thought experiment on freedom of religion, speech, Constitution,  civil/human rights. Take with gain of salt.

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