Tuesday, September 10, 2024

What Happens When Organizational Consciousness is Created? (A Hypothetical Example of Adaptation and Improvement)

Let us say you have a hypothetical problem of embedded bad actors and the inability to overcome some of the cultural challenges. The narrow minded scope of ethnocentric handicaps doesn't allow one to see all the pieces on the playing field and thus cannot systemically solve important societal problems.( Game Theory Loss.). To improve one must create consciousness of one's own identity by reflection on oneself. It is the same for members or organizations, the organizationn itself, and how they interpret information through their personal filters and cultural programming.

The beast does but know, but the man knows that he knows.’ John Donne (1628)

(Ok...we are getting super theoretical here....)

If there is the will there is the way! Since all people are goal oriented (Rational Choice Theory, Rational Choice Philosophy, ) they also won't do much until its in their best interests (i.e. motivation). Their best interest can take all types of avenues but ultimately they should come to the conclusion that the same process that caused the issues is not the same solution. That would be a positive outcome of moral intervention. Thus they start seeking new solutions that range from "getting rid of the problem" to meaningful reform and adjustment. 

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Einstein

We can often learn by examples. In this case I used a theoretical example of a bigoted members of a social group (i.e. clan) that launched rumors against racial and/or religious minorities that also attracted corrupted officals (affiliated with the clan) and further attracted extremist groups. None of them truly conscious of their existence and how their perceptions impact their choices. Their limited perspectives based on homogeneous bias did not (initially) allow the local organizations to overcome/adapt to a major moral question in alignment with their oaths and social contracts. 

A hypothetical example (Art of Workplace Storytelling) that reflects back a somewhat equal logic by alternative examples (i.e. minorities, devil's advocate, etc.) create moral adaptation and awareness from critical thinking that is more beneficial to society (Evolutionary Economics). Whether or not they have the capacity to learn is based more in the proof in pudding outcomes than political lipservice or focus on the technicalities of law. There is a higher moral conscious at play here. As a nation we must develop, change and grow to maximize our human capital and that will be part of accepting sociological shifts (actually based in technological shifts. Egg or chicken concept.)

Social mirroring is something done at a deep neural level and can create things like empathy and social coherence. It can also teach us about ourselves as a collection of interrelated people (i.e. microtransactions of intterelation that have economic influence.). It is a highly subconscious process based in part in neural firings that are interpreted through cultural lenses and personal assumptions (You can go down a rabbit hole in science and philosophy here so lets end here for now.).

You can read more on Social Mirroring and how that works in society in Social Mirror Theory. (i.e. the cue setter and the actors in our private and public theater that taps our deeper values (Existentialism and Hamlet). Learned this a long time ago in experimental psychology. I have been calling it the Theory of Mirrors when you connect the individual and the collective to create awareness and deep learning. 👆). 

Three studies on creating organizational consciousness worth reading:

Reflection and NGO Awarness: Reflection leads to awareness and decision making.

Organizational Consciousness: Accomplishment of objectives set, strengthens inter-organisational collaboration, fosters innovative solutions.

Organizational Think: An organizations ability to reflect on on itself. Reflective, social, and collective consciousness.

Once an organization becomes aware of its problems (as an aspect of self) it must make a choice and that choice is based in how they process information and realized outcomes. These are many variations of successes or failures of self reflection. We might learn something from the type of choices being made and under what circumstances and constraints. Choices Under Stress

1. Do nothing and pretend there are no issues and restrict the collection of information through processes intentionally or unintentionally (i.e. not taking complaints, not analyzing, not reporting hate crimes, etc.) as plausible deniability and distancing from potential issues that are not yet formalized. A type of complacency.

2. Actively put pressure on people to be silent, leave, or quit. A method of maintaining poor performance and usually a sign of internal stakeholders protecting advantages/corruption. 

3. Vet the need for change, think of strategy, implementation, and begin the process. Over the horizon thinking. Sometimes requires outside intervention if the issue is embedded deeply.

*This is a hypothetical example for learning purposes. Take with a grain of salt. A type of thought experiment on freedom of religion, freedom of speech, the Constitution, and Human/Civil rights. 

Kożuch, Barbara & Sienkiewicz-MaÅ‚yjurek, Katarzyna. (2015). Organisational consciousness in public safety management system. Journal of Intercultural Management. 6. 10.2478/joim-2014-0016. 

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