Saturday, September 14, 2024

What Does the Allegory of the Cave Teach Us about The Just City?

 The Allegory of the Cave teaches us that a just city must have just leaders and institutional administrators. A good argument for promoting the best and brightest versus the most connected. The just city representing governance of a republic.  Good leadership that is wise, just and free from their own mental chains will make decisions that further collective good in society. In our hypothetical example of a free pass for corruption, hate and extremism we find an internal battle within the justice system on the spirit of the law and whether such laws are designed to service all of society with all its different peoples or cater to some of society. The free minds and the slaves of bias battle it out. The upholding of our social contracts is uncertain. Loyalty to one's race, religion, and politics or loyalty to the ideal forms of a free and enlightened society that serves all its people is in heated debate in this post model awareness. Each path leads somewhere. 

Studying philosophy is part of a well rounded education.

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