Sunday, September 29, 2024

The Importace of Patriotic Values in Society (Post Awareness)

The necessity of good values in society is what keeps us growing as a healthy community and healthy nation. Concepts such as truth, justice, fairness, integrity, humanity make us who we are. Good people protect those values because they lead to togetherness. These ideas build great people with great communities, so we should support such deeply rooted universal human beliefs. It has been known to draw the most people and rally them around higher perceptions of life and that can help create vitality and reach.

The polar opposite of healthy values are ideas such as deceit, dishonesty, corruption, lost integrity, so on, and so forth. Equally deeply rooted in the human conscious. These are the values that erode the foundation of society and lead to decline as a people. Where some power players are confused between what is right and what is wrong, we have a path that is fraught with all types of unknowns. 

Let me give you a hypothetical example for learning purposes where our values can come into question and where they can be reaffirmed. Someone wanted something and spread hate filled rumors to corrupt officials who engaged in misbehaviors against people who believed in their community and against minorites who were ostracized by the "in group". There were no backstops, no reversals of the rewards of hate, and no realignment to a higher moral authority despite overwhelming evidence and public knowledge. The multitudes of citizen concerns brought forward were swept away as though they had no value in our society. A type of system default.

We, as human species, know the difference between right and wrong even if sometimes authority is missused to encourage poor behaviors that foster the breakdown of moral order so as to feed false identities and entitled social networks. It is important to support what is good and feel a sense of loss when the wrong is normalized and encouraged. Each of us has a hand in who and what our future will look like. I think it will be bright if we reaffirm our core values.

One possible explanation of why this happens based in the video is because of these subconcious distortions of symbolism on who is valued in society and who is not. The same can be said for waining desirability of institutional integrity and that leads to quick hueritic beliefs that temporarily feed the sense of self, or one's "in group" at the expense of everyone else. 

Good leaders can self analyze and use critial thinking to overcome their weaknesses. They can foster their commitment to the long term needs of society and their nation through their shared deep beliefs. Poor leaders relish and bank off of such distortions for self gain (the unconscious needs). As a rational optimist I believe learning examples like this can do more good for society in overcoming that inner darkness that seems to bubble up from time to time. 

Don't be hasty in judgement because good things can come just like new flowers bud after every drought; in this case a drought of moral conscious. The seeds of democracy were sown many generations ago from men and women who sought to build a free land where people can live in peace and harmony. It is our heirloom.

Standing for our central values of freedom of religion, freedom of speech, the Constitution, and human and civil rights is what makes us good citizens and worthy of leadership. As you go upon your day today, think about the small acts of kindness and good moral conscience that you can do to preserve the health of our society and democracy. It doesn't take much to create a better world. Support each other and help each other succeed and we all win. Pay it forward with kind patriotism to buid a sense of community. 

*This is a hypothethetical example for learning purposes so take with a grain of salt. A thought experiment on freedom of religion, freedom of speech, the Constitution and commitment to moral/civil rights.

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