Monday, September 23, 2024

The Hypothetical Feather Party on Institutional and National Improvement

The Hypothetical Feather Party is a hypothetical discussion on what a third party in the U.S. would look like and what might be some of the benefits and detractors of such a party. The two party system has existed for a long time and of course it has done some great things but also it has slowed down the decision making process. Thus, exploring a third party that focused more on the youths needs could be a method for both parties to think about what is in the best long term interest of the nation. 

Who was James Madison?
Before you get really excited recognize that the Hypothetical Feather Party isn't opposed to any other party and isn't really part of the political discussion at this point in history. It is a theory piece on some values and beliefs that could enhance our nation. 

First, such a party would work on encouraging strength in our institutions. These would include the concept of universalization so that such institutions represent all Americans as much as possible. It would also include updating and enhancing the functioning of such institutions while ensuring appropriate checks and balances to avoid any institutional misuse for personal or political gain. 

Second, it would be a part that would encourage national soveriegnty from foreign influence in decision making and any influence on political leadership. Values such as freedom of religion, freedom of speech, Constitution, and human/civil rights are the main guides we need. Understanding the global environment is one thing but any interferrence in our elections, information, or decision making would be illegal. 

Third, all decisions would be focused on critial thinking, ethical-values development, science and logic as potential solutions. It means that decisions are focused on what is in the best long term interest of the nation and utilizes evidence based decision making to ensure accurate decision making and positive outcomes. 

Fourth, the goal will be to enhance our diverse youth so they can carry our national principles forward. We not only teach them out our social contracts and values but we also focus on removing as many road blocks for their attainment as possible. We want them to be healthy and strong and understand the necessity of thinking beyond today's events to help them and the generation after them keep our nation strong. 

You may want to read How Parties Formed in the U.S.?

You can also read 63% of Americans Support a Third Party

Also a lay of the land is Role of Third Parties

*The Hypothetical Feather Party is a theoretical discussion on the potential value and detractors of a third party. Please don't attack the Hypothetical Feather Party because it does not at this point in history exist. Think of it as nothing more than a flight of fancy on possibilities. A thought experiment on values and belefs. It is meant as a way to learn about democracy and history.

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