Friday, September 27, 2024

The Concept of Fairness, Hate, Corruption, and Extremism (Post Awareness)

The concept of fairness is rooted into all of our social contracts and human interactions. Therefore it is fundamental to who we are as a people. Those who cheat that spirit to encourage hate, corruption, and extremism have sold out their most fundamental purpose and mandates. That can happen when selfish people want things and that is more likely in places where those who are engaged in corruption are immune for such behaviors due to a lack of backstops and misunderstanding of the purpose of law and the institutions. In this example, no matter how poor the behaviors there is a desire to reward perpetrators at the expense of victims and to do this consistently to many different people. Where these behaviors have become common we also find a need for additional Federal oversight.

The Hypothetical Example: 

This is a hypothetical example for learning purposes. Someone wanted something and spread false rumors to damage, ostracize and financially reward themselves off of hate. They were successful even though everyone knew it was wrong. Connected to a number of corrupted officials the victims were further targeted by a rogue minority of wayward officials and extremist groups who shared social connections. In this case, it was well known throughout the entire local justice system that great injustices were occuring but for political distortion and social support victims have no protection or recourse. Good officials forced into silence to protect corrupted officials. The system completely defaulted and people protected that default for political and ideological purposes. Community members stood up to the corruption only to have multiple complaints by many different people ignored and wiped away to protect ethnocentric identities and distorted perspectives. Data and evidence also quickly rejected in order to ensure that certain behaviors can continue on without recourse leading to a perception of institutional decline and the backsliding of democracy. More victims came forward and their rights were swept away as well so we can consider there is little commitment to making things better so repeat of patterned behaviors continue on. 

Now this is an example for learning purposes and it is often something that we should come to understand and come to grips with. Like this video states trying to do the right thing doesn't do much when indifference and darkness is part of our decision making. Those of us who stand up for justice are seen as second class citizens and in a great diverse nation such as ourselves we are going to need to find a new path forward. We will have to start to listen to all of our society versus just some of the more selfish entitled members. Let us praise when people do the right thing and let us look with disdain when hate, corruption, and extremism are rewarded and encouraged. The end result does come to define us and has an impact on our future (We can see some of that playing out now.). I believe all Americans have rights but am just one voice howling in the wind. Commitment to a greater purpose and the next leg of democratic development is lacking among many. Let us advocate for greater effort toward fair treatment, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, the Constitution and Civil/Human Rights as a truer metric of what it means to be a patriot and faithful citizen. Support what is good over what is bad and feel good that despite the outcome you were part of the solution and did your best to set the playing field for our children and grandchildren's success. Change is a must for the health of whole but commitment to change appears lacking.

*This is a hypothetical learning example. It is a type of thought experiment on freedom of religion, speech, commitment to the Constitution and human/civil rights. Take with a grain of salt.

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