Sunday, September 8, 2024

Research on The Characteristics of the Morally Exceptional

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Good poeple are needed and what makes one morally exceptional when comparied to the herd is an interesting question. The question of why some poeple act so selfish and why a few are not has been ongoing for sometime. Some studies have associated good values with intentelligence, abstract thought, ability to role reverse, etc. Notice it has nothing to do with rigid ideologies.

Its not easy to be moral. Let us be honest for a second. Humans are somewhat selfish and are designed for self survival so most of their psychology is self oriented. They want and want and there is no end to that deep hole. However, some people have a higher capacity to do amazing things for society while others do not. The study in the Journal of Personality provides some interesting insightes (Fleeson, et. al, 2023).

1. Empathetic and prone to guilt;

2. Reflect and identify with morality;

3..Have self-control and enact moral behaviors;

4. Care about harm, compassion, fairness, and honesty

As an example, let us say a group becomes destructive and exploits racial, religious, and corrupted networks to push for their financial and social gain. That would be a sign of low moral development that we have seen in history. Let us say people stood up against that and held their head high despite the complacency of such behaviors. That would be a sign of higher moral development and we often see the good eventually overcome the darkness. On The Issues of Morality and Law 

Societies and economies are made and broke on their morality and willingness of people to work toward a greater good. Society in and of itself is a collection of transactions based on cultural programming that either enhance or detract from its development.

"How selfish soever man may be supposed, there are evidently some principles in his nature, which interest him in the fortune of others, and render their happiness necessary to him, though he derives nothing from it except the pleasure of seeing it." Adam Smith

Fleeson, W. et. al. (August 8, 2023). Consensus, controversy, and chaos in the attribution of characteristics to the morally exceptional. Jouranal of Personality 92 (3).

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