Saturday, September 14, 2024

Remember the Importance of Integrity in Society and Our Institutions

Integrity is an important concep in society and those in leadership positions should be selected on their values versus who they know or how extreme their ideologies are. For example, simply picking people within one's party is also not integrity as good people with values can come from either side. Try picking the best people regardless of the social connections.  I have met a lot of good poeple, politicians, and administrators with integrity. I have also met those who have little to no integrity. The outcome of their choices is based on their values and it is telling. When selecting the next candidate for grooming, leadership, politician or administrator make sure you select those who have basic values and will make decisions with those in mind; good or bad. Integrity has been show in research to be associated with leadership, honesty, and sincerity in a way that creates prosocial benefits and long term positive outcomes. Research on Integrity

We don't always get redos so choose wisely on those who should lead and those who should follow. Keep in mind that leaders work for the benefit of their organizations and society while poor leaders work for the benefit of themselves, their politics, their pockets, poorly constructed ideologies, so on and so forth.

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