Monday, September 30, 2024

Protecting and Rewarding Hate is Not Moral Authority (Post Awareness)

Sometimes hate warps and infects institutions and when that happens there are few to no backstops without intervention. People who feel ethnocentric entitlement to "The Clan" will protect and reward bad behaviors simply so they can maintain their social positions. We want to avoid clan nepotism in services and outcomes. This is why its imporant to have different perspectives and opinions so as to ensure we are not rewarding hate financially or socially. Selling that to those who have a vested interest in places and placting hate despite the duties of their roles and positions is more of an uphill battle. This is why federal oversight might be necessary where checks and balances fell like dominos. Two other ways of dealing with stickiness of values is voting out hate supporters and reforming higher up the chain to ensure some level of accountability.

"[125/365] Domino Effect"
pasukaru76 is marked with CC0 1.0.
Hypothetical Example:

Let us consider a hypothetical example for learning purposes. Someone wanted to gain socially and financially from hate and spread bigoted rumors to a number of corrupted officials who then targeted people within their community. Some of those corrupted officials were connected to extremists and that raised a few eyebrows. The more people came forward and complained, the more people were retaliated against and evidence/data was falsified. The local justice system was supposed to protect all of the community but felt that certain ethnocentric homogeneous social groups were above the law. Perpetrators were protected, victims were intentionally left holding the bag of moral failures, and there was no attempt to correct despite the lost moral authority. 

While we know such examples like this couldn't happen in modern times because if they did we would do everything within our power to correct. One way to correct beyond federal oversight is to vote out any official who engaged in such hate and didn't do their job as would be expected in alignment with their oaths that includes freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the Constitution, and human and civil rights. Where the wider system fails it then rests again on the good people of a community to flip the script on hate and lack of reasonable accountability. 

The key point of this hypothetical learning example is to provide an opportunity for each of us to come to grips with needed changes in our society that furthers the interest and alignment of our values to something that can be sustained generation after generation. It is this line of belief that has furthered our national interests and that is something that any patriotic citizen should support through peaceful and encouraging words of wisdom. We are all in this ship together so let us start rowing together to see if we can make it over the horizon. Poem the Island of Axis Mundi

This article provides some insight into some failures and solutions. Lynn Sharp Paine “Managing for Organizational Integrity

In this example we had people who knew wrong doing was going on and when key decision makers became aware the local system didn't correct as well as it should. How High-Integrity Leaders Can Help Employees Speak Up  You can also read Unveiling the Mechanisms through Which Leader Integrity Shapes Ethical Leadership Behavior: Theory of Planned Behavior Perspective

*This is part of a hypothetical example for learning purposes. It is a type of thought experiment on freedom of speech, freedom of religion, The Constitution, civil and human rights. Take with a grain of salt. 

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