Monday, September 9, 2024

Places Most Likely to Experience Extremism: A Guide for Cities

We are in the era of extremism and we are not prepared for understanding such extremism nor do we always have the commitment to thwart such growing aggressions. Such choices often come down to the race, religion and politics of who is the perpetrators and the race, religion, and politics of the victims. Near direct matches of official definitions don't appear to influence what is and is not extermism (Contrary to popular opinion believing in your nation and its people is not extremism if it is based in deeper values.) The process appears to be skewed to ensure such extremism grows without proper checks and balances. Let us learn through a hypothetical learning example of what characteristics. In resolving any problem first understand the nature of that problem and its characteristics preceeds final resolutions. Where there is commitment to America's essential values we will overcome and where those values have been warped we will falter. 

The Hypotherical Learning Purpose Example:

This is an example meant as a thought experiment on how such extremism would look on a domestic level and why there are certain localities might be more ripe than others to foster, reward, and normalize such behaviors. In this example a group of people who have in the past manipulated the sick and elderly wanted something and spread bigoted rumors in order to cause serious harm and damage to minorities in order to exploit those differences for financial and social gain. The boldness of telling the targets they were targeting them for religious purposes in full view of a number officials. They were connected to a homogeneous "in group" who have a history of influencing local political and social life and hold similar racial and religious bigotries. Likewise, they were further connected to a number of corrupted officials who utilized their positions to violate the rights of targets and appeared professional in their criminality. That in turn opened attracted a group of violent extermists that were known to have affiliations with militias in and outside the area of which some have been convicted in other places. Concerned citizens complained publically and only a few semi-related arrests have occured but these networks and behaviors were provided immunities and rewards for their criminal behaviors. In this example, the law and justice was misused in order to ensure the community members, minorities, and victims are stuck with the bill through unconstitutional behaviors that strike at the soul of our nation. Complaints by citizens were ignored, retaliated against and didn't launch objective investigations. Good officials were silenced by the expectation of in-group membership leading to a wholesale justice defaults. The perpetrators and their supporters are still free to engage in these behaviors whenever the need arises. No corrections have been forthcoming but community has started to change organically through its democratic principles and love for freedom despite the attempts of some officials to force bad behaviors on them. Voting has become the vanguard against corruption, hate, and extremism. Much of the rest of the partisan political climate seems to be confused about the need for a single indvidual nation with fairness and justice.We are likely to see more people replaced including those who provided these immunities because the will of the people shall overcome as it has in history.

In this exampe we can start to pull some characteristics of how and why such hate and extremism is rewarded in local systems. 

1.) Homogeneous Clans: While not all members are bad people there is a flavor of in-group and out-group membership. Bullying is common and people are expected to strictly follow certain social protocals. People outside of this sports affiliated group are considered lower than and worthy of rumor spreading (Can be any group identity). A few big personalities tell the rest of the group what to do. While targets are often seen as descent people members are afraid to talk to them or be their friends making ostracization a further long arm of hate intended and designed to cause harm. Sport as Religion

2.) Social Affiliations: Nepotism is not a dirty word and is often encouraged. Officials that are intermingle with such groups feel as though they have a moral and legal responsibility to fall into alignment with their social networks regardless of the destructive nature of the crimes. They promote and reward based on clan affiliations. 

3.) Partisanship in Positions: There appears to be partisanship in local governance, in the justice system, and among local politicians. Their decisions are skewed toward extrem partisan politics. Partisanship in national politics encourages partisanship in duty on a local level. Lack of respect for the purpose of our nation seems to have filtered into the streets.

4.) Outcomes and Services are Based on Clan Membership: Because the area is small most people know each other well. Outgroup members when targeted may not be able to obtain services locally as clan members coordinate and protect each other as Good Old Boy networks. Justice is skewed by input and outcome. 

5.) The Culture of Corruption and Silence: Some criminal behaviors were ongoing and well known by officials but because of the culture they were forced to be silent because there were no internal protections for reporting. The community had to eat the cost of lack of intengrity of individuals as well as a lack of internal checks and balances. 

6.) The Voice of Victims Muffled: Victims voices are muted. This becomes even more apparent if one is a minority such as Native American, Black, Muslim (religioius minorities), Hispanic, etc. They are ofen seen as somewhat worthy of hate and mistreatment. Any complaint is quickly muffled through the misuse of illegal mechanisms.

7.) Lack of Respect for Our Oaths, Laws and Culture: Freedom of religion, freedom of speech, the Constitution, Bill of Rights, etc. are not seen as sancrosanc but something to roll one eyes at. People provide lip service but then fail to enact them if the targets are seen as different in politics or values in some way.

8.) Outside Intervention Thwarted: Locals do not want outside intervention and any such intervention is likely to be thwarted as much as possible. A type of anti government flavor seems to be part of the cultural mix. Changes won't be deep enough because corrupted officials are still on the payroll. 

There are other characteristics we can consider but these are a few that seem to arise in this thought experiment. We can continue to discuss what a default in justice looks like and how we can avoid that in other places. You may want to read A Guide For Cities: Preventing Hate, Extremism & Polarisation

The question may be who are truly patriots and who are sell outs? How far does that go? Time answers all questions. Moral conscious still has value.👆 

There is not a single instance in history in which civil liberty was lost, and religious liberty preserved entire. If therefore we yield up our temporal property, we at the same time deliver the conscience into bondage.”John Witherspoon, The Dominion of Providence Over the Passions of Men, 1776

*This is a thought experiment on freedom of religion, freedom of speech, Civil Rights, the Constitution and the very nature of freedom in our society. It is meant for learning purposes and should be taken with a grain of salt. It is not meant to politically and religiously neutral.

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