Monday, September 2, 2024

Labor Day Parade: The Economics of it!

Escanaba Celebrated Labor Day with a marching band, parade, music and food. btw good people too. Beyond the fun events the Labor Movement in the U.S. has a history as well as economic influence. We know that human capital development leads to improved economies and how we use that labor is important. Labor's ability to compete against the international market to produce some of the best products out there is important for economic development. 

I'm conducting some research on economic clusters. Labor and spill over effects from labor have an important impact on growth. Clusters generally have higher wages and if contracts are flexible to allow for adaptability, experimentation, and work tasks they can function in emerging technology/product markets. The new skills learned in developing industries can be applied to other industries. One might ponder the possibility between investment and labor marriages. 

U.S. Treasury Department and Labor Unions

American Labor Past and Present

U.S. Department of Labor History

Journal of Labor Economics (I used to read this a lot when I was younger.)

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