Monday, September 2, 2024

Human Development of the Gifted

Nations develop when they can develop their people and match that with new technologies in order to create new industries and products/services that draw resources and values. Developing Human Capital. We don't always do well in this endeavor and there are often many other factors that get involved beyond improving the essentials. Gifted people are often seen as fertile ground for analysis and enhancement because of their developmental potential. However, what we learn from them can be applied to developing large pools of people. 

A few articles on the gifted and talented.

Gifted Characteristics: The neural networks and connectivity of senses makes gifted people different than their peers. Perhaps from the early age there are differences and these become highlighted over a lifetime until becomes aware of the value of their differences; or go back into the herd. After awareness one can find the similarities of all people and while giftedness is rare it is not exceptional as a matter of statistical curve. These characteristics create a life that is rich, deep, and sometimes chaotic. A type of gifted curse where drive and insight creates new inventions and ideas that were not prior understood in the environment. They invent because they can and because their mind leads them there. The Characteristics of Gifted

Moral Development: Gifted geniuses know the world is not as good as it could be and they know that there are pathways to making it a better place. They may know what it would take to improve a country, a community, or large group of people but know also that others may not want that better world. Whether we are talking about hard concepts such as corruption, hate, extremism, and disparity or soft concepts such as opportunity, knowledge, and development the can find the edges of concepts. They can also perhaps connect them through the rudimentary causal similarities. If you know the difference between right and wrong and the world seems indifferent they may push for meaningful changes and that is not appreciated by all people. Giftedness and Moral Promise

Development of the Gifted Genius: The issues of those with exceptional talent is that the environment is not conducive to high achievement. We talk about human capital and how we as a nation should compete with new ideas, patents, and inventions but when it comes to our most precious resources we often fall short. There is the general human capital we need to develop in our society and we also need to develop our gifted geniuses to create new things, achieve high education, and improve their environment. That can be difficult if wealth is the determinant of education quality, or elite schools of opportunity, or policies that appear intentionally biased to promote some over the others. A nation that can be improved by the best and brightest rising to top. Raising Super Smart Kids Longitudinal

Human Development and Human Capital: Human capital development is very important and our institutions have a responsibility to work on the behalf of the American people to develop as many fully functional people it can so as to further the nations interests. Human development is the process of becoming a fully developed person with a variety of skills, attributes, abilities, and psychological strength that can be advanced when compared to others. When systems are run well they will encourage the further development of people so they may be put together for the good of the nation as well as live the happiest lives they can. When they are poorly run they skew the outcomes. Self Actualization. 

 “[a] musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is to be ultimately happy”

(Maslow, 1943)

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