Sunday, September 15, 2024

How the Truth of Hate Leads to Decisions of Opportunity for a Brighter Future (Post Awareness of Corruption)

There is "The Clan" and there is associated Corruption and Extremism. The Clan are a group of good old boy network members who are quick to judge others and have undo influence over their environment and local institutions based on these social connections. While the clan has formed their rigid identities since highschool they are not the main issues. Most are neither good or bad but just underdeveloped with little exposure to the value of 60% of the people in the country that are different from them. Bullying is normalized. The bigger risk was not the clan and their childish hate rumors but the corruption, hate aggression, and lack of justice of others that has opened a can of worms in terms of real disparity against victims and whistleblowers. We can learn about how hate, corruption, and the risks of misapplication of justice through a hypotehtical learning example.  

Let us think of the legal environment in which negative behaviors such as corruption, bias, bullying, hate narratives, ect. abound because they must have at least a tacit level of approval. On an official and legal level these would be stopped right away but if there is agreement that such behavios are ok against "outsiders/second class citizens" then we must question the values of those who make such decisions. As taxpayers we have a right to expect fair and non-biased decisions, judgements, and services. There are different studies but overall we know we have room for improvement so we cannot wholely discount such examples of disparity just because its politically convenient.  Study Says Not Bias and Study Says Biased . You may also be interested in Religion and Bias

In this hypothetical example it was well known "The Clan" protected itself with the willful eye of local courts and no matter how many crimes were committed, how many times the targets followed or threatened with violence, who enriched themselves from hate or no matter the evidence the second class whistle blowers will not see the light of justice. The victimes of the past have no respite and the victims of the future no protection. The torch of liberty being drawn down to a small match flame that can be blown out by any small gust of wind. We need advocates for justice, advocates for our liberties, advocates for our way of life, and those who support "liberty and justice for all" to ensure that torch can shine its guidance from generation to generation. There should be no distinction between first and second class citizens (Judicial Independence and Accountability). 

Failure to correct is another sign that there is need for reform. Failure to reform when major laws have been violated and failure to protect all people from bad actors can be seen as concerning for the long term health of the whole. We need the best and brightest, we need the ideas that come from diverse leaders, and we need people to be in their A Game to compete. However, the very same people who talk a lot about their national ideals are the very same people who often stiffle our opportuniteis and growth through exclusionary outcomes. Research on Brain Matter of Nationalism and Patriotism. Thus having as many rational thinkers as possible in central positions making objective strategic decisions that brings forward the best in people is leadership at its essence. 

Heraclitus of Ephesus
Before you get too excited and take it out on the first second class citizen you see be mindful that those who do the right thing have and should have the highest respect in society. As a somewhat conservative slowly learning of the importance of a third party to balance out the gamenship I will say that good is good and bad is bad. All the actors know the difference between right and wrong buy have chosen one or another based on their world view. Thus, as a free people we need additional new leaders that see us as all as valuable to truly be competitive. Never expect anything out of anyone because they are likely to not fulfill those false expectations and are unlikely to take others needs into consideration. 

In this hypothetical example rewarding bigoted behavior does not appear to be accidental and thus is a sign of the type of thinking that has gotten us into all types of problems and presents a long term risk to the nation and its people. Our future is a shared one and we all have rights matter who categories us as first or second class. So stand tall for our nation and freedoms because if we don't write our own futures these peeps will....and this example tells you what that segregated choice looks like. Feel free to write your representative and ask them freely if they support freedom or have fallen for the folly of first and second class citizens? You might be surprised by how they respond! Then vote your conscious as to what you believe they may be thinking about when they pledge their oaths! 

O’er the land of the free, and the home of the brave?

This example has not been completed yet and is in the process of being written. One should stay positive because while there are bad actors in the world and they engage in corruption we do know that the collective will is much more powerful and the vast majority of people will do the right thing once they are aware. There are those who believe in our people's ability to overcome challenges such as this. Our future is built off the choices of the present and the legacies of the past. If you get out and talk to minorities and really listen to their story you will understand the importance of shared futures and accountability for bad actors. or not...

*This is a hypothetical example for learning purposes. A thought experiment on freedom of speech, religion, civil-human rights and the Constitution. Take with a grain of salt. It is meant to be politically neutral and support a bulwark against a backsliding democracy.

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