Thursday, September 26, 2024

Escanaba Regular City Council Meeting (September 19, 2024) Storm Sewers and Bulldozers

Bulldozers and storm sewers were on the agenda tonight. City management continues to hammer out issues and solutions as the city moves forward. Much of the town has seen a transformation over the past few years as new ideas, new thoughts, new investment, and new life was breathed into this coastal enclave. A lot of old and young people working together. 

The only downside to fixing the storm sewer is that we won't be able to test our cars in the water anymore. Storm Water Testing Method. England has Rufford Ford and we have Ford River, Rapid River and Bark River. Bulldozers are expensive but I think if we can make some small tweaks we can get it cheaper. Build a Shatapillar.

Escanaba Agendas

-A complaint came forward. Don't make judgements quickly. 

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