Thursday, September 12, 2024

Escanaba City Council Meeting (September 5th, 2024): A bigger outhouse with filters needed! 💩

There is discussion on wastewater and what to do with it. It would be interesting as someone puts pencils to paper (I'm going to use that phrase. Kind of cool) to take a moment to consider options such as Renewable Energy Wastewater Treatment . If we are going to be innovative and seek out grant monies we might as well consider ourselves testing ground for emerging technologies if someone else is going to help fund ("Big Bro" or business stakeholders. ). We are small enough to try things but large enough for scalability (i.e. microbes and solid waste/landfill, wastewater, solar/wind technology, battery tech, etc. are all things companies might want to test so in this case corporate interest can be a good thing....sustainable capitalism can work here.... dream, dream, ahhhh sweet dreams) to be fair this may not even be feasible and one has to sort of look at what we have now, the price, options, etc. to get a game plan going. It looks like we are starting that process now. Tough job!

A few key points below but you can get most from from the Sept. 5th, 2024 Escanaba Agenda

-New filters needed for water.

-Discussion on grants to fix things $60 mil.

-Solid waste removal. Waste removal is big business. Probably going to have lots of Big Business Toilet Meetings going forward.

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