Sunday, August 25, 2024

Who would I promote? Values, Skills and Leadership

The question as to who to promote is an interesting one because it helps me understand what I would look for to further an organization's goals and mission. Long term performance of the organization is going to rest in part on the capacity to attract and retain people who believe in the organization and are willing to further its cause. Organizations are nothing but collections of thoughts, behaviors and resources that create value for society and the market. Thus, having the right kind of people helps ensure the pieces, policies, performance, outcomes etc. are developed and implemented wisely. The most promotable people are strong in three broad areas that are more intrinsically derived. 

 (For exampleI do not wish to be promoted and care little for these things anymore unless it can create some level of influence to achieve some important benefit. Money was somewhat more important when I was a younger lad and as people age it has become less important. Leaving a legacy becomes increasingly more important after my my 30's and now past my 50's. There are differences between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Research on Intrinsic Rewards and Motivation.)

The Three Promotable Qualities

First, there are naturally the type of career skills and abilities that I would look to understand. Second, I might also look for leadership qualities and the ability to influence others. Third, I would look for people with the right kind of values/ethics and how they treat others. 

The first two we understand but we may not have a great grasp of the third. The third are people who do understand that organizations are collectives of people and have a responsibility to society. The have the trait of understanding that its not all about the money and prestige. If I was going to promote someone I would think about what is most important going forward for the people and their organizations. 

I have gained a lot of experience over the decades and will say that the organizations that thrive do hire and promote the best people they can with the right career skills, leadership potential, and values. The organizations that were toxic, non-competitive, and leaked talent were the ones that promoted short term gains over the long term brand and environment. It is as though the level of (or lack thereof) belief in their missions and the unwritten values of the leadership filtered throughout the entire organization. 

Research on Organizational Culture and Leadership

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