Friday, August 9, 2024

What is Legalized Corruption?: The Need to Ensure Institutional Integrity

Systems that run with the most amount of integrity improves national development the lives of citizens. While the larger positive intent typically guides most people in their choices there are some people and some places where that may not always be the case. Different people with different perspectives might want outcomes that further their ideological, racial, religious, financial or social agendas. In such situations truth is supplanted by sellable narratives and the essential purpose of the laws subjected to finite technicalities. A type of legalized corruption might occur where wrong is made right and right is made distasteful. Thus, thinking systemically and morally about the decisions we make as people is important. It is doubly important for our leaders because of their influence and the power to enact positive change or slow it when necessary. 

Most of the time failures are from not thinking broadly enough, tunnel vision, and unexamined bias that produce emotional reactions (We can discuss how this works in the future.) However, we can also think of sociological shifts and how the current state of our political partisanship may be feeding some of these bad behaviors (Its not exclusive to any person, place, party, etc.). Despite current pressures we have some responsibility to ensure purity of purpose and that comes from shared commitment to what makes us American and the spirit of laws that help manage our ship. 

There will be some instances where systems may not function fully in advocating for the most beneficial and moral outcomes (No system no matter how good is 100%). If consistently poor, the decision makers detract from the overall functioning of the whole because of their limited perceptions. In such situations, the in-group of core beneficiaries become more important than society's needs. In many ways more important than the institution's needs, the needs of those who work within the institution, or the stakeholders of those needs (i.e. short sighted). 

A Hypothetical Example for Learning Purposes Only:

Let me give you a hypothetical example for learning purposes only. A group of homogeneous bullies mixed with a number of officials mistreated people others in their community in full view of officials who swore official oaths of commitment to a bigger purpose. Some of the group members have a history of belittling others, using inappropriate terms to describe people of different backgrounds or faiths and comparing themselves overly optimistic. The goal of a number officials associated with the 'clan' was to dehumanize their target, run over their rights, force certain religious beliefs, ostracize them and protect "their own" from accountability. In these situations behaviors are sometimes ongoing because perpetrators are given free passes at various junctures in the process leading to a pattern of blind eye. Prior victims came forward with similar complaints and were retaliated against through intimidation. As an example, rumors of a young lady raped and stalked until she killed herself, others were targeted and no one stood up for what was right, officials kept their mouths quit, no one until a number of victims allegedly came forward with evidence (different issues same general group). Those who did express concerns also quickly became targets. Children were even put in harms way as a tool of doing damage. The social pressure rose to the point that seeming descent people were forced to ostracize people they thought were good people because they didn't want to be rejected by the clan and experience the same fate (This is called social pressure and it is well documented.) Good old Boy networks and partisanship detracted and created risks that harmed the community. It appears the free pass clan based system has an embedded pattern of helping people not only engage in these behaviors but also protect them from the consequences(In social psychology they may call that in-group). There has been to date no accounting of behaviors that doesn't seem to reward the perpetrators in a fairly clear statement that some feel they have more worth than others (In literature its typically minorities and vulnerable which seems to fit here.), the weak, the sick, the elderly, people of different faiths, etc. or anyone else. Many times the victims are further scapegoated to ensure legal, lawful, moral, socially beneficial and strategically wise change doesn't occur (This is where the third world mentality takes precedence when it comes to clan and tribalism.). 

This is meant to be an extreme example of default so take with a grain of salt but these underlining bigotries do exist at times in the souls of some men and women. When defaults like this example occur we hope and desire for people to adjust their compass true north and do what is in the best interest and long term health of the vast majority of people. That place is in the strength and integrity of our local institutions. The goal should not be to get people in trouble, although that may happen for those who were the most grotesque in action, it should be love note to improve the total system without ignoring the needs of victims (Often the victims are further victimized and carry all the risks of standing for what is right when so many others shielded their view. Once a victim has been tagged as a worthwhile target they become convenient scapegoats for other people jealousies, insecurities, aggressions, ideologies, religious rigidity, etc.. Maybe for decades because behaviors are encouraged! Worthless enough violate basic rights but important enough as a projection point of hate.). 

Lots of should haves, could haves and would haves do not change anything unless we make the effort to align our personal, professional, and institutional behaviors to those values that treat all people with dignity and fairness (While they may mostly work there are places where they don't.). The good news is most average Americans have very high values. While they are not wealthy, "connected", and don't have "the ins" to get the same opportunities they still have a love of freedom and high moral values (It's not a religious argument it is a moral argument.) Democracy is willful and it requires commitment to a greater purpose and cause. Those authorities focus on their own needs or their groups (however they define it) while neglecting the bigger purpose of roles are not contributing in these instances to the rest of the nation's benefit. They should also not be in leadership positions if the behavior is willful, intentionally ignorant or repeated violations of public trust.

It is those moral lapses that often a remembered in our collective conscious decades and centuries later (i.e. Tulsa Massacre, Native Americans and small pox, etc.). In these instances the spirit of the law was was replaced by the spirit of groups, parties, money, and other worldly priorities (the core principles of most major religions and ethical value systems discounted.). Those who encourage moral and legal failures are often given more influence during these transitional times when compared to those who are working on the behalf of the benefit of the whole. It could be necessary to step back far enough to see the bigger picture of why sticking to our essential values can carry us through a societal transition (In other words don't let selfish people derail our shared futures.).

Legalized corruption occurs when there are choices that must be made to enhance systems when significant failures occur but for one reason or another we decide to not change, not correct, not respect the spirit of laws, and not stand for something greater. We know these issues have occurred in history, and we should continuously strive to lead in morality, virtue and human freedom to keep our nose pointed in a lofty direction (Every nation and every peoples can have these issues at various times in history. It is what we learn from them and how we make change that gives a glimpse to our collective soul.). The very foundations of our society rely on protecting the fundamentals and ensuring they carry from generation to generation. When our leaders talk about values, make sure you really listen, because this is where their values count....not in speeches...not in button pressing...not in the lip service rhetoric....but in their daily choices of right over wrong. When we choose the higher path good things will happen...because it opens doors to stronger, more vibrant, more healthy, and productive communities and society (Support those who serve the average American and work for our shared benefit. Say thank you for those who do the right things...they are patriots!). 

Here is my take on things and not everyone agrees with this line of thinking. 

Freedom of Religion: All religions and not just mine.

Freedom of Speech: Not just that which selectively confirms my own bias. Constructive criticism when focused on the big end goals can also be just if not more useful in strategic decision making.

Human Rights: Important to support because this is central to who we are. Take that away and you don't have much left. 

Safety and Security: All people are entitled to safety and security.

Pursuit of Happiness: Because we are all free we all have the right to engage in pursuit of happiness. It is one of the motivations behind active participation in the economy and civic life in a way that leads to growth. 

General Universalization: Furthering access of people both to participate in and be beneficiaries of our institutions. 


You sort of get the point! 

Victims should understand that not everything is perfect and there is room for improvement. If there are failures in the system it is not your fault. The sin falls on others and this is why they need the narrative to sort of mute those failures. Likewise, it is helpful to remember that some of our fellow Americans are not in a place in their personal development where they can value other people they see as different, their potential selves, or our shared values. Others are in a place they have no choice but to eat the cost of those failures (sliding democracy). The issue being the outcomes of their choices and that should raise a concern. We can humbly encourage those in leadership positions to have greater commitment to our values where they may be struggling with what their greater duties are. We cannot control all things so we should also make peace with the conclusion and vote our conscious. We can change our gaze to focus on what is over the horizon and do our best to strengthen our liberties and sense of moral direction. In that future we point a finger to a place we are all welcome and we can help each other get there as a single indivisible people (Axis Mundi).

"In every country where man is free to think and to speak, difference of opinion will arise from difference of perception, and the imperfection of reason; but these differences, when permitted, as in this happy country, to purify themselves by free discussion, are but as passing clouds overspreading our land transiently, and leaving our horizon more bright and serene." Thomas Jefferson

*This is philosophy article to generate thought but is not meant to be conclusive. If it helped you to think about why corruption is bad and strong management is good for the most amount of people. It is a type of thought experiment on freedom of speech, religion, and organizational values.

Kato Organization on Local Corruption

United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime: Public Sector Corruption

International Federation of Accountants: Breaking the Vicious Cycle of Corruption

DOJ: Combat Corruption, Financial Crimes and Fraud

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