Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Impact of Corruption and Intimidation/Oppression Through a Learning Example

It is important to further explore the risks and issues as they relate to corruption and general economic performance. However, there are many pieces to the puzzle so it takes a minute to ferret them out. In this particularly hypothetical example we are exploring the concept of corruption and intimidation/oppression as it relates to community impact. The strength of a community is based in part on how well its institutions function around core American principles such as freedom of speech, religion, Constitution, human/civil rights, so on and so forth. What one would hope is that the system adapts upwards to ensure it fully fills the needs of all societal stakeholders. That adaptation should be one of the strategic goals of institutional activities and outcomes to help ensure generation after generation relevance. The positive impact of the proper utilization of societal resources is vitally important to the long term success of the whole.

Utilizing a local hypothetical example to understand the risks of extremism, corruption, and clan based systems present to communities and society at large. The impact reaches beyond misbehaviors and into the very micro transactional activities of a local economy. i.e. economics as choice. The example is meant for illustrative purposes and should be taken with a grain of salt as theoretical exploration. As we continue to explore this idea we often find we can map corruption in the same way we can map a local economy. Each activity and piece is interconnected so corruption in one area might have an impact on other semi confounded areas such as recruitment, business development, employee retention, quality of life, etc. Research often helps determine what that impact looks like and how to restore rogue elements back to the greater good of a community or society if they have been afforded additional rights, rewards, benefits, and outcomes not inherent in their position. 

The Hypothetical Learning Example:

The hypothetical example includes a self-interested well connected clan members who spread a hate rumor for financial and social gain through a network of bullies and a number of corrupted officials with extremist leanings. The issue being that these were long existing patterns as witnessed by others and experienced through the professionalism of targeting. Reports of corruption by various community members were quickly retaliated against and local systems protected and rewarded the perpetrators for their behaviors. Good officials were muted through "codes of silence" as their fellow community members, young ladies, elderly, minorities, and some vets were mistreated. The reverberations of the behavior led to acts of intimidation, corruption, religious based cleansings and more as extremism and some officials shared social and political affiliations (A minority of people but a minority that had influence.). Discussions of militias were common among a number of extremists mixed with a few officials and people complained of being stalked and followed home by such supporters. 

As of date in this learning purpose example, of which the ending hasn't been written, there has been no accountability and it would be within what one may considered a 4th Wave of Hate. Evidence, witnesses, and actions are plentiful but the moral will to stand for the nation's principles lacking among some partisan promoters (The community is standing where others have failed as a potential sign of how deeply rooted freedom and democracy are in the hearts of the common man and woman.). The rest of the system may be struggling to understand and concisely deal with coordinated extremist behaviors and thus the risk continues forward until today based on the broken backs of fortitude. A more concise solution is brewing through natural collective order mechanisms that protect the greater good of society (i.e. the collective subconscious need of societal stakeholders to block out the advantages of corruption and oppression. Selfish People and Game Theory). 

Two kind of interesting studies sort of highly oppression, corruption, and whistleblowing.

1. Oppression and Corruption Connection: Research indicates there are connections between corruption and oppression. If one were to consider acts of intimidation, corruption, and retaliation against legitimate complaints then one might see these as related. The report indicates that oppression and corruption, "... deteriorates people's values of integrity, truthfulness, sacredness, and spiritual faith." (Abdelrahim, 2024, Sec. 3.3). Personal and Economic oppression seem to have a big influence on corruption levels. That would make sense if one considered that in the hypothetical example there has been a decline in economic activity for two decades until the community stood up against corruption and new leadership came forward. Democracy seems to thrive when managed for the average person with their needs coming first (There is a lesson in that as well.)

The study further recommends that policy makers, 

1.reveal corrupt exercises and threats via transparency.
2.maintain the general sector honest, accountable, and transparent.
3.prevent unfair and illegal practices.
4.Confirm that public sector workers function in the public interest.
5.Support educators and psychologists in developing and applying educational programs that prevent oppression, unethical behavior, and corruption. (I thought this one was interesting because it should be more than talk and lip service.)

Corruption and Intimidation and Whistleblowing: The issue that often stops whistleblowers from reporting corruption is a lack of checks and balances on offending officials that in turn allowed multiple reports of retaliation and the squashing of reasonable investigations. While in this example there is hard evidence, witnesses, motives, and bigger data markers such as outcomes, policies, processes, economic performance, social networks, amount of complaints, etc. that would indicate fairly serious problems. This is one reason why nothing happened until the community started standing up for their freedoms and rights using multiple public announcements, videos, information requests, etc. The totality of the information could not continue to be ignored without damaging moral authority. Chaos broke out and that appears to be forming into a newer and stronger order that hopefully leads to a rejuvenation of the area (adaptive evolutionary economics). The people were on their own because a number of connected clan affiliated officials failed to fulfill their duties and decided "protect their own" versus the community and in turn spawned a re-emergence of societal development to overcome. 👆

*This is a thought experiment using a hypothetical example for learning purposes only. It is meant as an exploration of freedom of speech, freedom of religion, The Constitution, Civil/Human Rights.

Abdelrahim Y. The influence of personal and economic oppression on a country's corruption levels worldwide. Heliyon. 2024 Jun 13;10(12):e32691. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e32691. PMID: 38988570; PMCID: PMC11233946.

Chassang, S. & Miquel, G (July 2014). Corruption, Intimidation and Whistle-blowing: A theory of inference from unverifiable reports. National Bureau of Economic Research.

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