Friday, August 16, 2024

The Hypothetical Feather Party Encourages Open Dialogue on Important American Issues

Whether we are discussing the economy, healthcare, taxes, etc. it is beneficial to maintain as much open dialogue as possible and ensure that we are inclusive of the different ways in which to see issues and find as accurate solutions as possible (This is what creates critical thinking). That doesn't mean any one's perspective is necessarily purely right or wrong but that there are many different valid ways of viewing the same problem and when taken as a whole view can lead to new solutions. Nations that grow and build should always seek to find new solutions by learning and discussing issues as opening and freely as they can. As long as everyone is focused on the big picture prizes then serious solutions will be found.

An essential purpose of freedom of speech is to ensure that these dialogues occur without hindrance so that multiple perspectives can come forward to make the best decisions possible. One might argue that the very health of the republic relies on our strategic and ethical thinking abilities. Freedoms should always be protected to ensure the process functions as it should so we collectively as a society can decide issues, enact them and live by them (good and consequences). One sided conversations or pressure to silence ideas and thoughts (even when we disagree) leads to group think and less than optimal choices and outcomes. 

Attribution: Treehouse1977
for Creative Common background pic.
Before we go further, The Hypothetical Feather Party is a thought experiment designed to learn about shared perspectives that transcend in many ways current discussions. i.e. best practice management. It also might explore central American values from a neutral non-partisan way by focusing on the basics of good management. It seeks not to be conclusive but simply to explore and help discovery new ways to look at old problems.

Polar Opposites

Let us say you are discussing a topic with someone who seemingly has a polar opposite view. While you may not agree wholeheartedly you can pull apart the essential key points of their arguments as well as determine contextually what some of the motivations may be (They all are not bad.). What we find when we can break their arguments down to its most elemental truths is that they have a good point and if you can see that and adjust your own argument to consider that key point the discussion becomes constructive. More true the more people are truthful and open in their dialogue. Political gamemanship has a negative impact while open dialogue generally has a positive (except in some rare cases.)

Look at What is Said and What is Not Said:

Not everything that people say is an accurate reflection of what they want and desire. Much of our communication is not expressed in words but in non-verbal, contextual, emotional and other ways. If you pay attention to what is being said and what isn't being said you can begin to understand the needs of others better. That is a skill that provides a level of influence when you can cater your message and solutions to have the greatest impact. 

You can read about breaking out logic. The Logic of Science 

There always has been a root language of our species and if you learn about culture and you learn about people it is possible to get a glimpse of this communication style. Its hardwired and socially advanced. The Universal Language

We can gain insight into others and their logic through being in tune/aware of non-verbal communication. How much of communication is non-verbal?

The Goal:

The ultimate goal is to serve the will of the people and their best interest as much as humanly possible. This comes from being less rigid in ideology and more focused on shared solutions. Reducing of barriers between parties and varying perspectives can create unity. We should do this because it improves purity of purpose. Parties, social networks, business contracts, special interest, etc. should never cloud that judgement in any way. They should also never be used as tools to silence others. Open dialogue is necessary and we should treat each person with an opinion as a valued member of our society even when we don't agree. You can learn from different opinions even if you don't think they have put their ideas to the same level of scrutiny. One does not want to look at disproving their points but instead focused on finding alignment between the two (or more) potential solutions to extract what works for the most amount of people (The full constituents). 

The Importance of Solutions The Process of Dialogue and Effective Communications

*The Hypothetical Feather Party is for learning/thinking purposes only and is designed as a thought experiment on how certain ideas are central to strong management. it is designed to promote critical thinking for discussion. 

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