Saturday, August 31, 2024

Should There Be Oversight for Officials Entitled to Extremism and Corruption?

Entitlement can be a dangerous thing if it includes concepts such as corruption and extremism. One of the worst menaces a society can experience is a group of people who truly believe they are above the law and superior to all their fellow countryman and women. A single entitled person is a personality flaw but a group of entitled people may be more systemic of an environment that lacks checks and balances. Where poor beliefs move into poor actions without recourse victims and good people serving their community are silenced. Their rights and freedoms diminished. Below you will find an essay on entitlement and when oversight may be necessary. The last thing we want is people in a position where they can misuse authority because of feelings of entitlement to extremism and corruption. That is making the assumption that all politicians and people desire to build the strongest nation they can through community by community development.

The Hypothetical Example of Entitlement:

This is a hypothetical example for learning purposes only so take with a grain of salt. A group of bullies spread a hate rumor about a minority that attracted the interest of a corrupted network of officials tied in part to an extremist group. Others came forward with similar allegations, their complaints shared with the perpetrators, and they were quickly retaliated against. Crimes were known for years but protected under immunity and "code of silence". No amount of evidence or complaints deterred a clan based system from rejecting their oaths and missions. The launchers of a hate rumor were rewarded and the extremist network protected. No recourse through local systems can be found. Ideas such as civil rights, human rights, freedom of speech, freedom of religion and the very dignity of humanity are openly mocked with the rolling of eyes. At such point where lawlessness mixed with corruption and extremism are rampant, where justice is absent, and where good officials must stay silent to appease rogue elements we may need oversight. US Courts Federal Oversight

 Explanatory Research:

The following are a few studies that help understand some key factors of corruption.

-One Bad Employee Can Ruin the Bunch: Poor, corrupted, or bigoted behaviors by a few can impact the rest of the team. Such damage may have other ramifications to the health of the institution. The more blind eyes we give and placation of corruption we provide we should expect there to be additional social learning and support for corruption. 

-Power and Corruption: The misuse of power can lead to entitlement as certain beneficiaries warp institutional performance. There has been in this example some discussion by various members of the community that there is entitlement of this group that harms others. One might see this by how quickly the clan is to judge the value of others, escalation to violence, and how positions of authority are an extension of clan needs. Ethnocentrism and sense of superiority in language and behavior anchored in distorted religious and ethnocentric perspectives. 

-IMF Taxpayer and Corruption: Corruption impacts taxpayer value through poor institutional performance  but may have an impact on other institutions like education. In this example there appears to be clan affiliations across institutions but the effect of that might need to be studied more. It appears that there is indication that clan members cover for each other, employ each other, ostracize together, spread rumors together, etc. 

-Corruption, Institutional Trust, and Legitimacy: A Vicious Circle: The more we allow corruption to continue, the more we are likely to create difficulties stamping out corruption in the future. In this example, there seems to be resistance among a few officials of reforming internal mechanisms that would improve the system. Outside intervention is thwarted in the same way that "outsiders" are treated. 

-Anti-Corruption and Extremism: Anti corruption measures help limit the appeal of extremism. One maybe able to make a reverse association so it may be best to go after both and create new policies. Prior in this example the discussion on corruption, partisanship, extremism, threats of violence/intimidation, militias, civil/human rights violations and much more. Local systems maybe be inadequate to deal with embedded networks with close social connections. 

*This is a hypothetical learning example only so take with a grain of salt. A thought experiment on freedom of religion, freedom of speech, human rights, civil rights, and the constitution. In some ways perhaps an exploration of leadership capacity and moral conscious. 

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