Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Is Corruption Inevitable?

Corruption is something we should all stand against but this isn't always the case. Social, racial, financial, religious, social and other complex issues come into play in a way that creates motivation to engage in and protect such acts. We could strengthen our corruption laws, protect whistle blowers, encourage people to stand up against corruption, not retaliate against legitimate complaints, and vote out officials cheating us out of our tax payer money and institutional resources. Yet to some there is no need to fix the things we find wrong even when the goal is more about correcting than punishment. Perhaps there is a little corruption in that as well? At least ideologically and morally speaking. Change is needed but unlikely to come unless there is greater focus on our shared principles. Talk is cheap, it's sustained effort that makes the difference. When we do discover corruption and we don't fix it is a sign that we lack such commitment to create the highest functioning systems we can. All of us suffer for the selfishness of a few. So I encourage a higher moral bar if it is set to low.

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