Sunday, August 11, 2024

Escanaba City Council Meeting (August 1, 2024): Energy Independence, Super One, Events, and Fanticies

An abundance of interesting things going on in this meeting. I just put together a few key points below I thought were more or less beneficial to discuss. This is a town that is on the upswing and has been reversing its trends of decline over the past few decades. It is now a growth oriented with a plethora of activity and media buzz. Post COVID provides opportunities to discover the emerging investment and vacation destinations within our own neck of the woods. 

1. Power Supply: Energy Independence

There was a discussion on batteries and that is interesting because they can provide some level of protection from future projected blackouts as the national power grid struggles to take on new electrification of our society (Notice a need for locations to have localized energy sources if possible). If we can add a new power supply to solar or wind that feeds the local system first (at a cheaper rate hopefully) it would create sustainable energy independence. The questions of how much power is available as well as the overall costs of that power would naturally arise. Assuming the financial numbers make sense, I would see the benefit of a project like this. As a next step Delta County, Escanaba, Gladstone and surrounding might consider finding alternative energy sources that are focused on providing local energy before putting it out to the wider grid (Spoof on Electricity). 

Businesses and local industry can think of the benefits of consistent uninterrupted power somewhat insulated from issues. Finding a renewable local energy source that is cheaper than standard costs may help attract some industries where those savings count. Residents can think of reduced rates and uninterrupted power. Stakeholders can think of creating this energy independence locally and monitoring how it works and can be applied to other places in a sustainable way. Creates energy resilience and redundancy because power is generated locally, stored, and still has access to pull from the wider electric grid if needed. Energy Independence and Security and Americans Thoughts on Clean Energy Transition

There is also discussion training for local fire departments. As you know, I'm supportive of firefighting training so any money for that is great.  

2. Super One Redevelopment

Super One site is being redeveloped from a worn out pot hole strewn lot (Serious drive to the Dollar store and you might get a flat tire on the way!). It has been an eyesore for a while. Development also sort of opens up some justification for ensuring we know what happens with businesses and buildings when they no longer have a use for a property. To me, if you have land that was build on already and can be redeveloped it is a good idea to make that happen. 

The question of which businesses is debatable but you have an interested party so that is something worthwhile to consider. A hotel industry that coordinates advertising with local stakeholders can be helpful in creating a global market brand. You want to attract what provides the most benefit and is sustainable and/or enhances other industries. Quality of life is also another consideration because that is tied to economic growth (not exact but they are related). Brand to attract business and people interested in local quality of life.

There was a discussion on raising the taxable valuable which I thought was thought provoking. Some money from development would be placed into local brownfield fund. About $9 million of investment and 45 new jobs with good benefits. It's not massive but definitely helpful overall. Creating net positives where local tax revenue rises, jobs are created, blight is removed, and the overall community benefits are helpful. 

3. Events

Events have increased and tourism has started as a new industry in a way that helps support other industries such as the paper industry, boat manufacturing/repair industry, hotel industry, and downtown potential. Tourism brings new revenue and pushes business to improve their offerings. It also increases opportunities for new tourism related businesses downtown that enhances local quality of life. This is where communities can think strategically about what industries support each other but don't necessarily rely exclusively on each other (hedge in clusters). 

Anyways...if I want to start a small business I might consider putting it downtown I would think tourism related micro manufacturers can improve storefronts space as well as export out of the area. Products like custom golf clubs, candles, (polo mallets), custom snow shoes, etc. can be purchased locally and sold globally drawing resources into the area. With luck you may find a product takes off and Escanaba be their HQ for production. 🥳. We have commercial space for them to move into if their export sales grow. We seed businesses. 

Escanaba Coffee Culture
Purchase Here

Escanaba is our little fishing village where you start, grow, and retire back at. Funny spoof on business growth that seems to fit the American version of such a town Business Man Fisherman Joke. It would also be nice to see mom & pop businesses like a small fruit market/salad/smoothie place, butchery/sandwich shop, bakery/coffeeshop/bookstore/wine bar etc. type businesses develop naturally as a sign the downtown can support such entities. 

Once we get hotels/vacationers in the area and more visitors these type of businesses can develop and survive making the downtown increasingly fun place to spend time. I like to envision it as spending the morning fishing, casual breakfast, middle of the day on the beach like a beach bum (been doing a lot more of that now), lunch at a local coffee shop, a matinee movie, coffee shop, visit a local art event of museum, dinner, ice-cream, and cocktails before some live music and dancing (Sorry I'm just sort of fantasizing my perfect Escanaba Day. Yours might look different.)

August 1, 2024 City Council Meeting

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