Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Developing Military Human Capital Leads to National Economic Growth (Two Lessons)

Supporting our military and the development of fresh new talent is not only beneficial for military readiness but also for the long term development of a nation. I am an advocate of the human capital oriented skills, values, character, and knowledge that come from the military as a path to personal development. The vast majority of Americans don't get the "silver spoon" fed lives of the rich and powerful who might attend elite elbow patch schools with cushy job placements and fast track career paths to the top. The motivated people from the middle and working classes need alternatives to develop and make their mark on the world. (A nation needs all types of people.)

The military is and can further be an important pathway to developing tomorrow's human capital. in a way that has positive economic and leadership capacity for the nation's future. The knowledge that comes from books is helpful but practical experience creates the sharpest pencils for the nation. At this time in history we need to sharpen all our pencils if we want to compete globally. 

According to this study about 19% of economic growth in the U.S. can be attributed to the military's investment in human capital. Military Human Capital Boosts Nation

Lesson #1: There are advantages to the economy and nation as a whole of supporting human capital investment in the military to groom not only what the military needs but also the skills, values, and leadership skills the nation sorely needs. 

Lesson #2: The second lesson I might take from this is that if I hire military veterans I can build off of human capital developed in the military and enhance it with corporate development and grooming to benefit my organization (...ok they did go to an elite school but likely have much better skills and leadership potential.)

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