Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Application of Ethical Leadership

 Ethical leadership is important to business and society and when we can support it we should. We often strive to accumulate things and become more important and that can at times encourage us to overstep our bounds. Some people move and live in a unipolar world that somehow consistently aligns with their own personal needs. There is a lot of psychology and biology that comes with selfishness as a concept tied to self preservation. The Psychology of Selfishness

Ethics puts that in check so that we all share similar rules and codes of conduct.. If we didn't have values and ethics we would have a free for all with much of our behavior and it would be hard to build strong organizations. The very nature of the economy is built on exchange and collaboration. Companies thrive when people work together. 

Our ethical values determine how we act in any situation. If you want to know someone then watch how they act when given choices over self or society. Leaders who consistently choose themselves might not always be the most ethical or helpful for an organization. 

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