Sunday, July 7, 2024

When They Know its Wrong? (A Theoretical Discussion on Improvement and Preserving a Free Democracy)

 We are an intelligent species and most people know the difference between right and wrong. The difficulties arise when the intent of law is sliced into technicalities that have more to do with ensuring certain outcomes then they do in preserving the value of law as a support leg to democracy. In the hypothetical example brought forward "The Clan" as they are known have immunity to engage in nearly any behavior they desire through social protections that create a type of corruption. While this corruption has social roots it could have very real outcomes for citizens, victims, minorities, and others.

The Hypothetical Example

A few local officials that have engaged in corruption and violation of human/civil rights are partly coordinated with a social network that will target people they don't like. The people they choose have irked them in some way, may have said a word of protest over group bullying, perhaps stood for our American values, have something they want, an out group member or a minority. There are many justifications that can be invented when people are creative and surrounded by blind supporters that struggle with adult independent thought. Perhaps they sometimes even tell people they are targeting them because of race, religion or political beliefs to boldly announce intentions. A multitude of complaints by various community members ignored and sometimes retaliated against to keep them quiet. Most of them ended up having some truth because the community stood up for democracy and their values; clan affiliated officials defaulted. While these behaviors would normally be illegal they are sometimes protected and encouraged because of social affiliations and fear that one would be rejected by an "in-group". Where officials were expected to stand for their oaths and purposes of their offices they at times embraced lower values associated with clannism typically experienced in third world entities that have a history of tribal, religious, corrupted, or ethnic oriented misdeeds. 

How Homogeneous Social Corruption Works?

Corruption is a disease and without proper checks n balances it will spread. It spreads through the many small compromises of selfishness. Social, financial, ideological, etc. all play their part in encouraging a level of corruption through setting unamerican perspectives of what the official and unofficial expectations may be. This occurs through implicit social learning tied to cultic sub cultural groups that we may find in the public but also may find more common in clan infiltrated institutions. Such corruption may warp entire systems and may eventually lead to difficulties if not corrected effectively. Ethics and integrity and purity of purpose is essential to the good health of a community. This is also why I advocate for the actualized protection of freedom of religion, freedom of speech, indivisibility of purpose, pursuits of happiness and the Constitution. In some places those are actively thwarted with socially good old boy impunity. 

What Are Some of the Fixes?

What is Most Likely to Happen in Such Situations? Often these clans are rewarded and sometimes a local system might struggle to function fully because of a lack of objective perception. Those who encourage higher performing institutions sometimes can find themselves on a the receiving end of street justice and have in turn no place to turn or express legitimate grievances. While these systems persist for years and decades they are eventually brought into check when they can no longer can contain the knowledge of misbehaviors.  In this hypothetical example, as of present it has not corrected but we can wait to see how the story turns out. It would appear perpetrators were told no but the intent of that is not yet known. It could indicate that there are not enough wider checks and balances to preserve our freedoms if aspects of local systems go amuck and no beneficial adjustments are forthcoming. It may also mean there is positive pro American change. A proof in pudding outcome is the end result of adaptation or failure to adapt.

Creating Second Class Citizens 

Freedom dissipates where extremism, corruption, and lack of commitment to central values abounds. Where there are no options, no rights, no recourse, no protections, or no opportunities you have created second class citizens that are outside of the system and may not be protected by those systems. You have also lost much of their human capital because their God given abilities have no opportunity to develop or shine because they are "locked out" of meaningful engagement or avenues of contribution. No matter the end game, if we fail as a society to maximize human capital we fail to compete. No ideological radicalism can change those mechanics. We all pay the piper of poor system performance. I advocate for general universalism to keep us free, competitive and strong. There should be no second class citizens in our society. We don't get redos.

It's easy to stand up and mouth some words to look good but it can be inconvenient for some who were entrusted with authority to think about the meaning of those words and act to preserve their value. Especially true for some if they don't get an immediate benefit. 

"I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

*This is a thought experiment on freedom of religion, speech and the Constitution. It is meant for learning purposes only and prompt deeper thought to explore ways to strengthen institutions and build the strongest most advanced nation we can. This is something that is important for all Americans and our shared futures.  If it got you to think about the beauty of living in a free nation and your duty supporting those freedoms it was worth the read. Surface patriotism or deeper patriotism is a choice. What do you choose? Feel free to click off and enjoy the nice day. 

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