Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Escanaba City Council Meeting (June 20, 2024) : Snake Alley, Trash, Budgets, Ice Skating

This meeting was relatively longer than most because there are concerns related to trash pick up (Not to be confused with the discussed updated landfill discussed at the county level). From my understanding there are elderly that do not want to move their garbage cans and there is a trash truck that has difficulty navigating snake alley. There is some brainstorming going on between residents and the city and when people work together they can solve these types of normal issues that arise. Electric Garbage Robot

Budgets are a constant discussion but the city seems to be doing better than most others and has been balancing its budget with some surpluses. Ice skating is coming to Ludington Park so that is going to change some of appeal during the winter. 

June 20th, 2024 City Council Meeting Minutes 

A Few Interesting Topics:

-Snake Alley


-Beer tent in  park for Labor Day


-New ice rink. Enhance Escanaba is donating it.

-Purchase of loader.

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