Saturday, June 1, 2024

What are the Costs of Corruption?

 I came across this interesting video and I will say that corruption costs every society a lot and that includes our own. While we know corruption is not a good thing and it damages institutions we also know that institutions are slow in tackling their own corruption. There are many things we can do that might help fight misuse of public resources. Awareness is one but also better mechanisms to catch and deal with embedded corruption.

Sometimes studying corruption can go a long way in creating solutions because one comes to understand how it works, who is involved, whey there are lack of checks n balances. That can lead to prevention. While the video discusses bribery there may be many other forms of corruption that are not discussed fully.

A word of advice. Don't do corruption. Our eyes might light up when people are flashing money or power but be mindful of your duties to society. While you can make some gains off of it, and we are often very lax on some types of corruption (I been using a hypothetical example of people exploiting race and religion to enrich.) we as an American people suffer the most. 

Encourage leadership to take a bigger stance against corruption and design policies to better catch and correct serious misbehaviors. Work truthfully, willfully, with integrity and honor. 

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