Friday, June 21, 2024

Unemployment Rises to 4%: Expanding the Market for the Next Generation

Unemployment hit 4% recently and it seems that the younger people entering the workforce are having a hard time finding a job. You can read an excellent article by CNBC on Unemployment Rises and Economists. What is does is sort of highlight that there is an expanding market but some people are having a hard time finding a job. The type of jobs available will be something to look at for expansion and contraction as mechanisms of industry shifting (i.e. economic adaptation).

While it isn't concerning yet economists should be looking at these numbers and demographics. As a nation we must beef up our competitive stance and develop our human capital so as to ensure potency for the historically the nation's largest young generation. This is something I'm working on as a theory in focused transactional clusters that create butterfly effects that improve industry functioning (might actually be worth nothing but I'm trying.).

What I might consider in expanding the market and the opportunities the market holds. These are some of the bigger things I have seen in the news but really there are many different things that could be included and perhaps retracted. Its non definitive. 

-Encouraging investment in the U.S.

-Developing human capital.

-Continuing to develop infrastructure for an ongoing digital platform shift.

-Creating high value advanced manufacturing and supply chain adaptations. 

-Further developing international trading partners and positive relationships.

-Adapting institutions to meet youth needs, save money/efficient and effective. 

-Encouraging critical and strategic thinking in leadership decision making. (Reducing online and offline foreign interference/manipulation interference in information and decision making to better ensure focus strategic choices on the nation and the next generation. Combating Foreign Influence)

-Developing local and regional competitive advantages. 

-Fostering broad based capitalism and more inclusion of all demographics.

-Encouraging innovation and development. 

-Helping small and entrepreneurial businesses thrive to maintain long term national competitiveness. 

-Creating a broad singular vision for the nation that ties people together. A sense of direction. 

-etc. We could add 100 things below. What do you thing? Each person likely has a few ideas of their own. Above is not an opinion but just possibilities. My only opinion is to be a critical thinker, use evidence based decision making, and a moral compass and everything else will take care of itself. 

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