Monday, June 3, 2024

Tourism as the Third Biggest Economic Driver in San Diego (San Diego Under the Moon Picture)

 According to the San Diego Tourism Authority tourism was the third largest sector in San Diego drawing in $23.4 billion and 200K jobs in 2023. That is a pretty big influence of the local economy. If you have ever visited the city, and explored the area, you are likely to find the beautiful beaches, restaurants and other activities of interest. San Diego Tourism Authority

When I'm not in San Diego I'm probably in Michigan or some unknown place on the planet. Part of what I'm trying to do for my hometown of Escanaba is to encourage tourism as well as match that with industry and other activities to foster a market diversified economy where each industry enhances the whole system and yet hedges against market downturns. One industry goes down and some go up. 

Each industry encourages and supports the others within the same community area strengthening all businesses and the lives of those who live in the area (i.e. quality of life). Its possible to sort of multitask to create cross divergent solutions through helping a local community to thrive. Good peeps!  You can be part of that if you want to start a business, visit, or invest locally. The place has come a long way in a few years! Escanaba

Anyway, come visit San Diego or Escanaba and you will find two different worlds that are very much similar. One is on ocean beaches and the other more rural with Great Lakes beaches. One provides a tropical feel and the other one more norther pine cozy. Get a beach tan and then head to go fish near Escanaba (Fishing is a big industry in both areas. Escanaba even has a boat industry.) 

Now onto my amateur hobby artwork. It gets me out exploring and sometimes I do get a good pic. I call this one San Diego Under the Moonlight. Life would be boring without hobbies! Feel free to peruse my online gallery just for the giggles of it. Don't be cheap and busy something. jk 😂:) The Wooded Pathway Gallery

San Diego Under the Moon

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