Friday, June 7, 2024

The Value of Rejecting Hate and Supporting Justice

Hate can be against groups or individuals and can be fostered by deep seated insecurities from fear of others. When it is normalized and encouraged or protected it hints at deeper inappropriate values. The Different Forms of Hate. Where bigotry and bias lives and breeds it causes all types of problems not only for the victims but also for many others. As a type of moral cancer that infects souls it is important to make institutions and systems more immune to the impact and effect of toxic personalities and corruption. Protection of a concept called Justice is helpful to diverse nations that seek to thrive generation after generation. This article is meant to raise the idea of Justice as one central institution to shared communal living but stands by party, race, religion neutrality in societies that should see universal perceptions as central to social and national development.

Hate is a type of mask to hide the inner group members motivations in misusing their position to help themselves and their friends enrich off poor behaviors. Where the masks slips you often see a group logic that has a high probability of similar related poor behaviors in other venues. Hate aggression can be one data marker for additional issue (s). One might think of how data could lead to a statistically likelihood of corruption and produce a map of observed involved members. Such discovery occurs once you find a couple of connecting variables to form a pattern and then test that pattern to ensure it accurately is being reflected within the network. A leads to a predicted F.

The Theory of Mirrors

The Theory of Mirrors (there are very similar ideas and names for the type of theory) is sort of similar to, parts taken wholesale from, but a touch different than The Looking Glass Self. Basically as people act and react to a target based on specific stimuli they define themselves. This means their subconscious tells us who they are without their knowledge no matter how much they hide it. The theory is only semi tested but seems accurate. Metaphorically the reflective cue maker provides the canvas for others to paint on as groups or individuals. They splatter their thoughts and other brain trash into the interpretation.  Other theorists discovered most of the concept but it is sort of interesting to think of its possibilities and use for catching bad guys/gals; even if the legal structure sometimes protects and rewards such behaviors. (Symbolic Interactionists). The concept is based in the neural network firings and how they quickly interpret info and react to cues ☝️. While some of it is disheartening some things are impressively noble and positive. In this example no matter its outcomes the long term prospects are good for a much brighter tomorrow. Hate supporters can't derail development for long periods of time because on a deeper level even the perpetrators know its wrong and systems can't function at their optimum with serious disparities and discrepancies. A few years might make a big difference in perspective. The broom from sweeping things under the carpet is getting increasingly sticky with new data and technology that encourages transparent performance improvement. Game Theory 

A Hypothetical Example

Let me give you a hypothetical example for learning purposes only. A hate group mixed with some officials targeted a family to enrich off of them for racial (pick any), political (pick any) and religious reasons (pick any). They told the targets what they were going to do while engaging in trickery and then used coordinated threats and attempts at violence to force their social order, manipulate local legal officials, extort and cleans people from their community. One of the targets who earned their place in the country 10x told the perpetrators "no" and reminded them of their duties and oaths. They quickly rejected the sacrosanct values. The victim went further and reached out a helping hand to encourage them to choose wisely but attempts were further rebuffed and the hand slapped away. The targets choose the higher moral order and didn't care much what else others thought or what unchecked aggression against them would bring because the issue is bigger than this. Developing society requires the ability to push its development and stand for basic values. Because of corruption the 100+ group continued to escalate even though the targets were polite, positive, helpful but stayed firm on the constant violation of their boundaries. The more they held firm the further enraging key players within the network became. One of the targets became known as "The Bitch" even though he/she has a history of bravery against insurmountable odds in order to protect his/her nation and community. The subjectivity of blind nationalism was highlighted. Other community complaints came forward that indicated similar behaviors happened to others and corruption was further discovered to be a bigger issue. The inability to correct even with overwhelming evidence the most astonishing creating a type of immunity for crime. However, they realized the couldn't be as open and bold with their hate as before. Fearing being caught the "in group" members moved from overt aggression to the more subtle forms such as blocking employment, hate chatter, microaggressions, social media manipulation, creating toxicity, and other dehumanizing behaviors. They took pleasure in mocking our laws and the sacrifices of generations before who helped obtain such freedoms. Even the target has served his/her nation but was dehumanized to remind them of their lower place in society. A type of lawlessness with a lack of moral conscious.

The Underpinnings of the Example

Hate is driven by a need of belittling/dehumanizing others and when that is protected legally, politically, and socially there really isn't a back stop but opens up a much larger long term sociological issue. Thus this is why in this learning example the clan can move from overt aggressions to microaggressions and then back into aggression when the environment is again supportive of such behaviors (The environment and subtle social cues are important in created expectation). The legal, moral, political, social, economic issues, etc. set the stage and the actors used that. In this leaf vs. forest example perspective we see is that the environment and homogeneous ethnocentrism mixed with disturbed social influencers in the right positions put normally good people and officials in fear. Instead of reporting hate crimes they decided to be silent for self interests thereby meaning some adjustments will be needed to avoid this in the future.

The targets might be polite and competent but to the perpetrators they are seen as incompetent, lower than, of subvalue/second class citizens and shouldn't be allowed to live or work near them, and should have no protections under the law even if those protections are guaranteed by the Constitution. This would be a moral outrage situation that runs directly against our oaths and values as a people (I mean assuming if these things are still central to our existence). Thus we all have a stake as a collective togetherness in supporting the Constitution, our social contracts and the deeper meaning of justice. Makes no difference the party, race, religion, gender or other as the needs of the collective whole should be of higher importance than any individual part.  The  Neuro Basis of Hate

A 4th wave of hate in this example could be likely because of the difficult root problem of holding the perpetrators to account and reversing the damage they caused. The fear of upsetting the local clan which has an influence on local social and political life, was primary concern and made them silence people with their group narratives. The community and other victims may not be a priority as well so a reorientation to local institutional purpose may be needed. i.e. keeping the compass true north. Consistent unchecked hate and corruption is a type of system failure that includes recruitment, policies, culture, checks & balances, oath integrity, and values. All systems must stand for their values and while most do there are places where this may not always be true. Poor behaviors can be encouraged without the right type of leadership. When they don't, and there is no recourse it isn't a free pass but goes into the collective conscious of people and their blended perceptions between words and reality.

Two Anchored Outcomes

Let us say there are two possible outcomes to this brain teasers. Most situations would likely fall in between these extremes. Albeit even closer to the ideal because as a collective whole we understand the need of the greater purpose of existence and the important values that resonate with every person. 

1. Free Pass Extreme Worst: The technicalities of the law are more important than its spirit, the Constitution applies to only some, victims of past or future are dehumanized, a class of half citizens form not in lip service but in practical outcomes, freedom of speech and religion are not true freedoms, institution protects dysfunction and it grows thereby wasting taxpayer money, and institutional trust declines. Courts appear to feed the legal industry of attorneys making justice complex to support the more wealthy members of society who provide regular campaign donations. Some citizens are considered parasites and their rights can be swept away to benefit others in alignment with wrongs of the historic past. Wrongs are protected, they are not corrected when found wrong, mass apathy develops among some groups, human capital declines, and the nation gets weaker generation after generation. There is refusal to reform even though outcomes are questionable and new methods possible. A segregated society develops. This would be a situation no one would want except the most dark souls.

2. Accountability Extreme Best: The system lives up to its standards, holds to account perpetrators based on culpability, protects future and past victims, corrects the wrong, safe guards are put in place to better tackle corruption, entire institution moves up, perpetrators are rehabilitate and returned to society, all citizens are treated equal and a universal society is encouraged where freedom of speech and religion are valued. Courts seek to simplify and make connections to people and don't require attorneys to navigate them. Rich and poor are seen equal before the law. Laws are passed in the spirt of all societal members. Judges protect what is good, people, people value the system, they are highly engaged in keeping communities safe, human capital rises and the nation gets stronger generation after generation. Always seeking to improve to provide essential justice. Institutional trust rises and social cohesion grows. Human capital productivity rises because all citizens are working toward a greater purpose. All people are full citizens with endowed rights.

Even if we are doing 100% perfect (institution) we should seek 110% (the stakeholders). Keep looking over the horizon because there is good stuff over there if the ship is navigated well; the duties of leadership. Ensure that you don't fall into the trap of group think, dangerous bias and corruption by always asking questions when people tell you stories that don't seem to line up well. Our very futures may rely on our ability to think critically and solve problems as a people.

It's a party neutral article to help us think of the importance of liberty and our daily choices and responsibilities to encourage it. 🗽 

*This is a thought experiment on freedom of speech and religion. It is a hypothetical example for learning purposes only. Take with a grain of salt. Theoretical dribble so feel free to discard.

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