Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The Military's Mountaineers: Climbing on multiple peaks

I came across a piece published on the military's mountaineers. Since I used to do a little climbing, and wouldn't mind doing some more, I thought it was interesting. As I have one relative going into the national guard I find such information more appealing. I am a big supporter of the military and have been for a long time because they teach skills, honor, and values. Anytime we can raise our fellow man/women just a little we should praise and encourage participation in such organizations.

Training for a value laden selfless cause can help foster deeper beliefs that can only come from some institutions such as boarding schools, spiritual schools, military, and a couple of different value centric organizations. They are not the values you always learn on the streets, in all businesses, or in our daily lives. When you meet people with honor and integrity you know it and the military sets the foundation for people to develop those value sets for the betterment of society. Each on their own merit but they can't say they haven't been introduced to those values.

Deep values with honor is hard to come by in today's world as leadership comes from practice not birthright. Some might think it comes from wealth but true leadership comes deep from within and isn't given (History profiles show leadership comes from just under and that is based on skill and exposure that can be learned through motivation.). Maybe no one may think you are a leader and that is best for you because true leaders don't always look like leaders. Not being known as a leader is a blessing because leadership comes with a heavy burden. Such leaders are the one's who help their society and do what is right no matter the costs.

Old values are hard to come by sometimes. Where the Military Mountaineers are Made

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