Monday, June 10, 2024

The Hypothetical Feather Party Encourages Youth to Become More Politically Active

 According to the survey below it would appear there are a number of concerns of the youth and if given the right pathways these youngsters can change the face of elections. They are the largest most diverse generation the country has seen and they will need to compete in a world the Baby Boomers and some of Gen X may not have had to experience so their perspective is very different. Prior generations were in a prosperous time inherited from mechanical modernization from two World Wars and allowed their offspring to thrive. The young don't get an immediate boost from the work of our grandfathers/mothers. The Greatest Generation prior to Baby Boomers created a new way of living through grit and ingenuity during the Industrial Era to overcome global challenges. This generation will need to do it again in a Digital Era and further ensure the ship is (or continues) to be pointed true north on American values. 

You may read Youth are Interested in Politics But Lack Support

-55% (18-29) say country may not be on the right track. 

-76% of the young believe they can change the country.

-Half say they are informed about politics.

You will also notice from the survey what type of institutions they trust and where they get their information for decision making. As the Digital Era takes hold there will be lots of competing information and some will be accurate and some not but as a collective whole there will be many more ways of obtaining accurate news meaning that diversity of perspective is likely. With different news and ways of looking at things there will be new ideas and that is part of democracy's development. i.e. the universal democracy as the next stage.

Thus, it is their time to start making their wishes and desires more known through positive and helpful political engagement. Voting is where the rubber hits the road by providing support for good leaders and putting in place new leaders when needed (The HFP only asks for us to think but not necessarily come to a specific conclusion as that is left to the reader and their thought processes.). What we hope is that they think through all of their choices and decisions to ensure they help the most amount of people possible and keep the democracy strong, healthy, and rejuvenating with each new generation. When they are old in grey they may say that democracy thrives when everyone thinks beyond today to keep the torch bright to lighten our way.

For, example the young appear from different articles and polls more interested in freedom of speech, freedom of religion, learning, opportunity, their environment, small business, institutional integrity, diversity, technology, global warming, housing, jobs, personal debt, govt. deficit, geopolitical issues, extremism, political integrity, education, crime, justice integrity and corruption. If they feel strongly about some of these issues they can constructive ways of ensuring their needs are reflected as a whole in the political discussions. Support the good stuff and change the bad stuff. Each generation has a right to push for the things they want because it ensures the nation changes to the realities of an ever changing world and environment. It keeps us strong and a beacon of freedom.

The Hypothetical Feather Party is non-existence and is used for learning purposes only. It is meant to be a thought experiment on providing another lens in which to understand politics and raise awareness of the political process. It is about discussion and not necessarily create an opinion unless that opinion is based in part in science. It makes no distinction between parties and beliefs but does encourage critical thinking and thinking about the next generation's needs as a key aspect of modern leadership. Older generations have a responsibility of ensuring they are setting the stage for the young and sharing their values through being good stewards and examples. It is a process inherent in democracy. Where there are things to improve genuine leaders seek to improve them. The Importance of Democracy

"the cure for the ills of democracy is more democracy"John Dewey

Interesting Articles on Hypothetical Feather Party:

The Hypothetical Feather Party Would Encourage People to Think About Campaign Finance Reform

Thinking about Objective Institutional Reform

Will the Father Party Emerge?

Feather Party National Decision Making

Feather Party Critical Decision Making During Election

*The Hypothetical Feather Party is for learning purposes and is designed as a thought experiment on how a third party aligned to core American principles, logic, science, critical thinking and the next generation can improve national decision making. Please don't attack the Feather Party. We do not exist at this time in history. Its a discussion.

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