Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Homogeneous Local Rumor Hate Based Hiring Method (A New and Biased Way to Hire!)

What is the Homogeneous Local Rumor Hate Based Hiring Method" HBHM? It's a method of hiring people seen as sharing similar demographic characteristics and labeling them "local". Geographic definition of local is very different when compared to the image of local that includes social networks and unconscious demographic perceptions. Locality is a method of determining candidates and it makes some sense to support local communities maximize employment opportunities for retention. In contrast, homogeneous socially construction concepts of  "local" isn't about geographic locality as much as it is about who is perceived to be a local (friend) and who is perceived to not be local (outsider).

Local can be further sub defined and categorized based on racial and religious considerations. For example, rejected candidates may live closer and have a longer genetic footprints than those considered local but still would not have the same local benefits because of these differences. A local focused hiring system could appropriately and/or inappropriately narrow the candidate pool based on how the term is used and applied in selecting eligible candidates. In such situations geographic and perceptive local are interchangeable depending on the user and is often applied differently in congruence with people's perceptions of how society should be, the social need to belong to an in-group, and employment or other goals.

The following is a hypothetical discussion for learning purposes only so one should take it with a grain of salt. Keep in mind that all behavior whether conscious or unconscious is still goal directed and often does influence its environment. Goal Direction and Unconscious Goals

The rumor part of the problem comes into play because some social networks act inappropriately towards members of society based on these rumors.  In this example, for one reason or another the in-group does not like or feel as though they, i.e. outgroup, should be allowed to live in "their town". Worse, have access to their opportunities! (The believe that one is more entitled than others. The Entitlement Factor) Some of these behaviors if gross or repeated could lead to a kind of pseudo cleansing that is often supported by sympathetic clan affiliated officials. 

Nevertheless, where such concepts of local are used perceptually versus geographically it could be an inappropriate hiring practice in violation of State and Federal guidelines. However some have argued for or against the idea that members of society could legitimately be seen as having lower perceptions of worthiness, a socially constructed second class citizenship not spelled out in law, and not seen of particular economic/social value thereby leaving them marginalized in a way that robs society of their contributions (the unwritten rules of hate. Different Kinds of Knowledge). 

The appropriateness of the HBHM can come into question with its influence on second class perceptions but that may depend on who is doing the judging and who are considered the stakeholders of such institutions (i.e. the admin, the clan, the customers, society, etc.). When decisions are anchored properly to institution goals that are aligned to national goals, we would have more efficient thought processes and decision choices that support long term outcomes that strengthen national health.

For example, let us say hiring decisions were influenced by intentionally set hate based rumors in an effort to damage targets through blocking opportunities and sharing social expectations on how people should treat and interact with minorities (out-groups). People learn from each other and that influences decisions within formal structures such as a hiring process. Long term use of this method could have big consequences for communities where homogeneous social groups become the equity beneficiaries of our tax expenditures and social efforts.

Let us kind of add to the mix a little to create some fun and include the idea that whether intentional or not HBHM might have a similar outcome. The HR manager was not initially qualified for the position in which he/she was hired but because he/she knew the right people she was promoted at the expense of other more qualified candidates him/herself. A knowledge deficiency of how personal beliefs impact how biased hiring decisions could create systemic problems as social expectations and reciprocal in-group advantages exclude some members of society.

The consequences?

Not much. The issue may have been going on for a long time and while the HR manager may not familiar with minorities the nature of the behavior could indicated a much bigger clan-social undo influence over local institutions. Yet when we are dealing with the needs of minorities that some encourage others to see as half citizens these rules sort become annoyances to be thrown in the trash and undermined. The consequences on the victims are dismissed just like the consequences to those who rely on such local institutions to strengthen our society.

(At this point you should be getting closer to understanding the potential uncalculated long tail costs of bigotry, racism, hate, and poor behaviors. There could be untold uncalculated costs.)

While it could be fixed in this hypothetical example there were no attempts to fix it so the targets must eat the costs of other's choices and failures which furthers apathy towards dysfunction. Likewise, the tax payers loose value, a chaos creating group is strengthened and general disrespect for the values of the institution encouraged. Because hiring practices are filtered through such decision makers the problem becomes pervasive on the entire organization and in many ways also the community. The customers of that institution don't get the benefit of the knowledge/skills learned from those seen socially as outsiders/undesirables. 

 (Examples like this help develop collective conscious awareness of poor group behaviors that create a framework for future victims in a way that helps better formulate their experiences. As a thought experiment it likewise helps explore potential solutions to long running problems. With higher values and a touch of integrity these types of situations would not persist.) 

If it was me, I might audit the hiring practices and ensure there is greater commitment to those values we all agree on. Not those values that some, not those values of these or those people but the values that are central to our future national health. i.e. basic social contracts rooted in our culture. It is beneficial to all of society to ensure that individuals and their social networks don't derail the needs of everyone else just to profit their social networks through exclusionary self-rewarding processes.

The other thing this institution might do is post on their webpage their hiring practices under Official and Unofficial practices. The Homogeneous Local Rumor Hate Based Hiring Method (HBHM) should be listed in the Unofficial Section and the legal practices in the Official Section. Therefore, when candidates are rejected, not based on skill or performance, they better understand why this is the case. It would likewise be helpful to the candidates for them to sort of realize that there may be different hiring rules and standards in this institution (or others) for employing out-group members that seek to work, volunteer, feed their families, participate, help, etc. (People who have experience of being recipients of hate and bigotry know how they must work 2 or 3X as hard to receive mediocre opportunities.) Research Discriminatory Hiring Trends

We also should consider reviewing the HBHM process to ensure it helps the institution and nation fulfill its goals and purpose. This can be especially true if hate narratives or false perceptions impact hiring and engagement in other local institutions. That might require comparing these Unofficial Hiring Practices to State and Federal guidelines to ensure that the wider stakeholders feel its a good way to manage their tax payer dollars. To me, all organizations should seek maximum outcome and performance to ensure they create a strength and health for a nation. Some might say, "If it ain't broken why fix it?" In this instance we might want to talk to many different stakeholders to see if HBHM is the best way to managed or does it seem to benefit some at the expense of others. OECD Human Capital and People Central Performance

Personally, I wouldn't advocate for the HBHM system because it would seem like it would not be helpful in the long run to these institutions, the stakeholders, and the competitive health of the rest of the nation. My opinion is usually sort of tossed out for wiser folks in society (We go back to that goal directed behavior idea). It could be just the socio hierarchical patterns who is and who isn't of particular value. Hopefully not, most likely not, but is it possible? In this long running example thought logic of discovery we just took the path less traveled...or we are just lost in the forest. Let your values be your guide out. 🤔 

A few questions:

1. If we have laws against hate does much of the bigotry and bias some members face more on a social level?

2. How might friendship nepotism impact the long term health of an organization or institution?

3. When hiring practices seem to differentiate on considerations not related to the position or its criteria should it be adjusted or changed? Are their moral implications for not changing if it is necessary?

4. How might anchoring of how we perceive social value in others considered out-group impact our daily choices and decisions without our conscious knowledge? 

5. What is unconscious bias and collective unconscious bias and how does that relate to this socially constructed symbolism of perceived social value? Could that have impact on society and its competitiveness as a whole?

6. Could unconscious bias impact the human capital in a nation and what might be the consequences of for future economic growth? Would that make a logical argument for hiring on merit, skill and character?

7. Can organizations outcomes be improved by hiring for skill and qualifications in alignment with their organizational missions and Federal and State law? How might an organization limit their adaptability and market relevance through nepotistic homogeneous hiring?

*This is just a hypothetical example for learning purposes only so take with a grain of sale. It is a type of thought experiment on freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Nothing is definitive and one must make their own conclusions of its value. Feel free to click off and enjoy your day. 

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