Sunday, June 2, 2024

Structure Fire Collapse: A few key points for firefighters (Grants, Donations and Jobs)

Structure collapse while firefighting can be dangerous for those in and outside the building. There are methods that firefighters can use to minimize fire deaths from structure incidents. As a volunteer (pt) fire fighter I spend a lot of time looking for grants but also finding some good information to share. I'm not always around due to competing obligations but I do like to learn from training and help where I can. Being knowledgeable of how to minimize deaths is 1 part book learning and 1 part hands on practice. 

The video below is from Pottsville and you can see the building go down and everyone scatter. Thank goodness no one was inside and everyone was safe. We should be thankful for teams like this who help their communities. 

A few key points from the CDC in Preventing Injuries from Building Collapse, 18% of deaths at structure fires were caused by the actual collapse. 

-Size up and risk assessment by incident commander. 

-Maintain awareness of all firefighter locations. 

-4 people should be present. 2 inside and 2 outside.

-Have rapid intervention teams or capacity nearby. 

-Ensure proper equipment for hazardous areas.

-Operating procedures, radio control

-All firefighters should have PASS

-Conduct preplanning fire inspections.

-Inform everyone when situation becomes unsafe. 

-Establish collapse zone and parapet walls. 

If your interested a few Firefighter Jobs in Michigan Indeed and Firefighter Jobs in CA Indeed

*I'm looking for grants and other resources for an awesome fire department in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan so if you have some corporate or personal dollars you would like to donate get a hold of me via the Contact Form and I will point you in the right direction. 

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