Sunday, June 2, 2024

Rowing for Fitness and Picking up Trash!

Today I went out and rowed for 40 minutes and the water was beautiful with no ripples. A little rain. While the cardio and health benefits of rowing are profound one might also consider cleaning up trash as well. Get in shape and pick up trash at the same time. Nice!

My collection of trash 
to throw away
An analysis of 160 Studies found 56 Benefits of Rowing. A few key points below I found interesting.

-Decrease in cholesterol. 

-Improvement in cardio health.

-Impacted other areas such as vertical jump height. 

-Body fat reduction.

-Improvement in information retention in the brain. 

-Reduces joint pain and stiffness. 

Back to the trash! For those of us who enjoy the outdoors it can be extremely frustrating to see garbage such as cigarettes butts, plastic containers and the like not only damaging the view but also damaging our environment. It is one of the most selfish acts I have seen people do. Just throw it away in the right place! There are better ways to manage trash by blocking all water to rivers before it is cleaned and filtered. Likely the next step in city management. EPA Trash in Waterways


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