Saturday, June 22, 2024

Micro Aggressions, Gang Like Socialization to Minority Hate and a Pattern of Aggression Against Vulnerable Women (Update on Hate 06-22-24)

Over the past few days I came up with this narrative to sort of highlight a few concepts for an ongoing thought experiment seeking to find a logical path through important issues of the day (no conclusion has been drawn yet). This is just an example for learning purposes only so take with a grain of salt. A theoretical exploration flights of the mind. It is based on a hate group that navigates social and professional positions in order to target people in the community they do not like. That typically includes minorities, vulnerable women and people who disagree with poor treatment as out-group members. The new component to this example is multiple complaints of sexual aggressions against women and then silencing them through targeting as well as microaggressions against minorities in a coordinated attempt to remove them from public positions and public life. Let us contemplate the importance of integrity in our roles for a minute.

Off to the example....

A Hypothetical Example of Hate, Corruption and Sexual Aggression

This is an long running thought experiment example on how hate and criminal networks function in a practical manner. The hypothetical example included years long targeting against a racial and religious minority family (ies) (and others), community complaints, free passing/rewarding illegal behaviors, and concerns of not only civil rights violations but also sexual aggression against vulnerable women. Complaints by community members were shared and often retaliated against through street justice of aggression, potential violence, rumors, and constant harassment. 

Let's add a new component to this learning example to keep things lively! Overt aggressions stopped for a while and then came back into play with displays of dangerous aggressive posturing and microaggressions. The goal appears to be to continue to create personal and professional pressure/distress on the targets to remove them from public service through rudeness and mistreatment (other activities as well). Tracing back we find that each of the persons is connected to a similar group of people who may have been engaged in other illegal activities (socially, recreationally and professionally associated group.). It seems bizarre but history has shown its possible.

In the pressure to increase poor treatment of those who challenged poor behaviors there was an attempt to further hate narrative to belittle, embarrass and create social barriers for targets. Thus far in this example the general community has rejected hate but this group continues to do their best to further the hate divisions through dehumanizing narrative to gain followers. In hate there is a level of isolation that occurs so that eventually leads to even higher levels of aggression to violate civil rights to isolate social support. At this point the group in question engages in hate based behaviors on a micro level to avoid detention and being held to account.  These behaviors appear to be normalized and comingled with other potentially illegal behaviors. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty.

What makes this example more interesting is that there is also a type of sexual aggression in this hate network and risks of other types of corruption ranging from financial to legal. Some of these behaviors were reported prior, were known about for decades, and then came to light again once a number of victims collected evidence (These things should have been tackled a long time ago). Thus far in this example perpetrators have been relatively free to continue forward in their behaviors through a type of immunity. Likely, more issues and complaints will come forward that would show the folly of not standing by ones oaths, pledges, and Constitutional values. The difference between lip service in leadership and deeper values is based on what we do when we have to make a higher moral conscious choices. Preventing Hate Crimes in the Community and Process of Prejudice

Who are the Targets of Hate?

The targets can be any group that some members of society seek to marginalize and harm. In this example minorities  and vulnerable women were targeted. The bonus of exploiting power for sexual favors could be age related but potential learned from older group members. In this example racial, and religious minorities are the chosen targets but also concerns of coordinated sexual aggression against women in multiple incidents as indicated through rumor allegations of potential stalking of a young lady until she committed suicide. Other allegations by various female community members also came forward. Behaviors appeared to be well coordinated and knowledgeable in legal circumnavigation through a long history of what appears to be a lack of controls or checks-n-balances. Peer Sexual Aggressions Community complaints by various members were ignored, minimized, confidential complaint information shared to hate group members, and those who raised concerns targeted into silence, recipients of attempted violence and/or left the area. A type of culpability and negligence has formed. UN Who Are Targets of Hate? 

Why People Join Hate Groups?

A discussion wouldn't be complete without understanding what some of the potential reasons why they join these groups. People may join such nefarious groups for a lot of reasons but it could be socially encouraged through friend networks, gang/ corrupt network affiliations and even occupational misperceptions. It would appear that those who have joined these extreme networks have done so based on a difficult backgrounds and troubles navigating their own personal values. Others may have joined to fit in with the "in-group" members. I have seen people who have very difficult backgrounds and they do not join hate groups so there is likely social and personal influences on why people in this instance do join. In this case each new member appears to be socialized into a friend group based on their value in official positions (Its one explanation). They then begin to adapt the manners and aggressions toward the targets learned through this socialization process making them increasingly mixed between official behaviors and unofficial bigotries. Why People Join Hate Groups

Coordinated Hate and Hate Group Frequency: 

The amount  or size of hate groups in an area could have an impact on the health of local citizens and their potential to be valuable contributors to society or develop the skills they need to be successful in life. i.e. the women whom may have been traumatized or minorities that have been targeted. The psychological impact on these groups can be profound. The risks that such groups normalize such behaviors and apply them from other places, or visa versa, to target out group members and create undo stress/pressure/intimidation. Human capital would naturally be impacted the more people who feel social stress and are blocked from opportunities. The more hate groups (I would suspect also volume of hate behaviors) in concentration then the more people are marginalized and sideline leading to larger loss in economic and social engagement.  Hate Groups as a System

A Few Key Points:

-Hate groups are often social in nature and run around racial, religious, financial, and even sexual interests. 

-Official functions can be impacted by unofficial hate groups/gangs.

-There are few checks-n-balances to such groups. The needs of the community become secondary to the needs of corrupted officials. It would appear in this example senior leaders knew of the behaviors and gave a passing sign.

-Decades of complaints by various community may have been ignored indicating a systemic problem. It appears that not only did they potentially protect the criminal element but went further and fostered it leading to many more victims.

-There is a type of sexual aggression and violence in such groups who have access to power and feel free to misuse that institutional power for personal and group/gang benefit. 

-Social groups and official groups can sometimes coordinate to silence whistle blowers. Retaliation is common. Multiple publicly recorded complaints by numerous people appeared to be swept under the carpet for racial, religious, and political affiliations (That would be pretty bad if true but this is just a hypothetical example.). 

-There are waves of hate and in this thought experiment we are on the 4th wave. Thus far perpetrators have been considered immune despite the many witnesses, evidence, and complaints. A culture of corruption seems to have formed among some connected officials and they work actively to protect those networks and the benefits of being in such a network. 

-Vast majority of officials act with honor and integrity but the ongoing efforts of this group stain the honor of the occupation and lower institutional trust.

-Using official positions for unofficial actions seeking to remove minorities from public service through coordinated cleansings and exploit those positions for self and group gain.  More victims keep coming forward but their rights seem to be sidelined. 

-Aggressive and rude behaviors are designed to make the environment unwelcoming, toxic and seek to provoke conflict with targets and then use that as further excuses to ramp up pressure on targets. In this example the targets have been nothing but polite and professional to repeated insults and risky behaviors (perhaps even intentionally so). Some senior officials seem to be aware of the behaviors as a tool to justify illegal behaviors (not all but a few). 

-Members are socializing other members to group expectations on how to treat minorities, circumventing laws, avoiding detection, sexual beliefs towards vulnerable women, and how to view the larger general community that are not associated with the "in group" (i.e. better than thou).

-General disrespect for veterans and disdain for the spirit of laws. A type of lawlessness and disrespect toward what made this country great. Partially protected by outside stakeholders who hold similar views. 

-Sociologically in past failure to correct behaviors of rogue officials reflected negatively on all sympathetic associates and in extreme cases resulted in large scale public backlash and moral outcry. A wider implication of not orienting true north and aggressive attitude toward some Americans. i.e. second class citizens (This is just an example for learning purposes but it is important to note some historical ramifications and beliefs in the wider population of protecting human and civil rights. One need not agree or disagree to understand the risks of unchecked extremism, corruption and hate behaviors. In a reverse situation  the in group members become out group members when the lens gets wider.)

-A level of education and reform may be needed to protect the public and reorient the understanding and values of a few rogue elements. The public being of seemingly less concern than the perpetrators.

-No easy to use method of community members lodging complaints. A type of lack of recourse through government because the needs of the community seem to be secondary. An easy complaint form and independent review should be some of the first things thought of when improving an organization.

-Outside oversight may be necessary to stop further aggressions against minorities, women, those who lodged complaints, and targeted members of the community. Some of these local networks have shown they can't manage themselves in alignment with their stated purposes.

-There could be wider environmental content of dismissive unamerican attitude toward the Constitution, civil/human rights, and the intent of law.  Rolling eyes on rights and constant racially charged language in such networks.

*This is a hypothetical example for learning purposes only. It is a thought experiment on freedom of speech and religion so take with a grain of salt. You need not draw any conclusions and nothing is definitive because each person see what they want to see. It is about exploration of solutions only as development opportunities.

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