Sunday, June 9, 2024

Delta County MI Commissioner Meeting (06/04/2024): Railroads, Solar Panels, Training, and Vet Mllage

 Lot of great things going on in Delta County MI. these days. Recently there has been a change in the board so there is some enthusiasm to do things in a new ways. It is fairly normal anytime there are new board members who want to showcase their skills and get some things don't on their checklist. they go about making decisions we hope that everyone keeps the community in mind and what is in their long-term interests. Reject national politics and keep things as focused on as much of the root of our community/democracy as possible. Good jobs, good lives, good investment opportunities, good services, fun events/quality of life, safe streets, fiscally sound decisions, critical and strategic thinking, etc. so on and so forth are all part of good decision making and responsibilities. When one is in a leadership position well thought out opinions and flexibility in those opinions when new information comes forward that can help understand a situation or perspective. 

A few points:

-A commissioner discussed the Railroad Retire Group coming to Escanaba. A local business Escanaba & Lake Superior Railroad Co. 50 employees and has openings for skilled trades. They also hire veterans that help make them contributors to our society. Let me say that bringing in groups that have connections to industry to see firsthand our local manufacturing and available facilities can help organically manage our local offerings to those who can reach people who make decisions and invest in those fields. Being strategic about trying to get some of these groups up here not only encourages tourism but could also impacts long term economic development by attracting related industries.

-Pinecrest retirement facility is looking for workers as well. US News Pinecrest Retirement Housing

-DTE is still interesting in solar power initiative. Seeks signature to get on ballot for a vote. In general, I support solar power to connect to enhance the power grid but some of this agreement can be swayed by the details. If the panels are going to provide power directly to local consumers to decrease our costs and create energy independence from rolling blackouts then it is two thumbs up. If it is improving the general grid alone then it is one thumb up. Aesthetics and size are likely to still be a discussion so that could require some flexibility. Not sure on the rest....

-Police and fire discussion on sharing. One idea is to take a local department and provide centralized training from there. That will help ensure each person has similar skills and they can cross coordinate between departments. Training together regularly will help create such symmetries even if not intended as people share ideas, tactics, ideas, members, etc. Economies of scale rise when experts can be brought in for multiple departments at once. I was also sort of thinking about the benefits of a local training center along with a youth and/or cadet course teaching the basics of fire safety and then use that for recruitment into local service. Anyway...its just an opinion I'm sure others have theirs. Perhaps there are State and Federal grants that would help. Facts and Opinions

-Vet Millage. Remember they served our country so let's not be cheap on them. Work with leaders to find ways to save money throughout the economy and create net positives. That would offset the costs of veterans millage. Just so we keep in mind the responsibility to always seek fiscal responsibility because organizations like this can be the beneficiaries of cost savings/service enhancements in other areas. 

-Improving the airport by adjusting size of planes. Anything we can do to bring in new business and even commercial shipping would be a good idea.

A couple of articles I found interesting. 

1.) Why Community Matters

2.)  Federal Reserve Community Development

3.  MSU Community Development

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