Sunday, June 23, 2024

Delta County (06/18/2024): Procedures, Airport, Trust Monies, Protecting Kids and Surveys

The Delta County Meeting appears to be moving a long just fine with lots of different things being discussed and tackled. Three of the five members are new so they are still finding their place and eventually will be in a groove. Generally, being in a groove means they understand the needs, mannerisms, and goals of each of the team members which allows for better crafting of ideas which then leads to decision outcomes. In any new social setting it creates some time to form the informal rules of a team that furthers symmetry (That is any new team). Here is something on Effective Management Teams

It would be nice if this new admin can reach out to Escanaba and Gladstone and see what type of projects they can do together, or pool resources, encourage investment/industry, entrepreneurship for the downtowns, tourism, and applying grant monies. Sometimes even coordinating services can help in reducing costs and improving outcomes. Not that it is fruitful always but the very nature of reaching out is a good will effort and more times than not likely to create positive returns and ideas.

-Complaint procedure revamped. A good idea especially if one has ideas or resources for the county that can be submitted in similar/same place. It creates a feedback loop with the community.

-Improving airport through larger planes and more volume. The point made about ports and airports makes sense as an avenue of attracting new business. i.e. distribution might be one. Also, we have underutilized rail in the area and possible industrial manufacturing capabilities. Not to mention entrepreneurial businesses and a small but possible to grow export market. 

-Michigan Trust Fund with monies available. I think entities in the area should use as much grants, investments, and other pools of money as possible. 

-Discussion on procedural rules. I guess there was a statement on a procedural mistake in removal of a person. It could happen, its a new board. 

-The community reaching out to vets for rentals, jobs and other things over the past few meetings. This is what we should be doing for our local vets. Votes come up for vets as well so we might consider supporting that as a community. 

-One of the commissioners visited a site that tries to help and protect children in the area. Child Advocacy Center. 200+ kids. Funded through grants and will be going away at some point. 

-A discussion on using surveys to see what the community wants. This is actually a pretty good idea. 

-Meeting with Billerud about plans for the future. It would be nice to have them further commit to the area and encouraged growth.

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