Wednesday, May 29, 2024

WWE honors the U.S. Armed Forces who fought for freedom [Responsibilities of Leadership]

I came across this interesting video and while it is after Memorial Day we should honor our soldiers and armed service members every day. There are a number of institutions I have profound respect for and the military is one of them. The people I have met over my life that have served are a cut above others and we should always think about their health and the nation's health in any decision we make. 

National leaders should always think through how to strengthen our military as well as how, where, and when our military assets are utilized to ensure we are wise in their use. As American people we have relied on their sacrifices and we should always honor the history of that sacrifice. The best way to do that is to think through things thoroughly. It is a duty of good leadership. 

(The average American should have a say and should increasingly have a major say as the ultimate stakeholders of democracy.) 

A few ideas on leadership. Each person is going to see this a little differently and there is lots of room for debate so this is just one strain of thought. Its not meant to be party specific, or even decisive but about general use of national assets in the best interest of the nation and society. It is not a criticism or support of any policy but a discussion on responsibility of leadership.

1. National Leadership Responsibility: Thinking through how the military is used to support freedom of religion, speech, Constitution, democracy, human dignity, and peace throughout the world is important. That also includes long term American interests (vs short term). Thinking through any potential influence such as group think, political pressure, financial/campaign influence, foreign pressure etc. on that decision making process is important and a defining characteristic of leadership. 

2. Develop our Military: Because the military is honorable and they help develop character among the people it is important to consider ways to improve not only the adaptability and technological capacity of the military but also how it can enhance people and their contributions to society. I'm a big time supporter of our military and I also support what they can do for developing people. We may need to explore how to attract and retain key academic, scientists to further the competitiveness of the institution. A whole society affair!

3. Civilian and Institutional Honor: Because people have suffered, died and sacrificed it is beneficial to ensure we honor and respect our vets, institutional managers/leaders think of the essential American values, and we do our best to live by those freedoms that our parents, grand parents, great grandparents, etc. have earned. In other words, don't waste it because we all had some sacrifice in it. Our institutions should be managed well and universally administrated. If we went back in history such as in a village everyone would feel connected to that cause and consequences. This is also why I encourage wealthier demographics to enroll in the enlisted ranks with others so we all come to respect those sacrifices because of their influence on society (not saying they don't but the connection between decision and consequence could be improved.). 

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